4 rounds of Tabata Pushups
50 Ball Slams
4 rounds of Tabata Pushups
50 Ball Slams
4 rounds of Tabata Pushups
Tabata pushups include 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. In this case, it will be 4 rounds each, or 2 minutes total, separated by ball slams.
Post lowest round of pushups plus total time to complete workout, to comments.
A whole different athlete than when you first started. Much more complete. I'm so excited you're traveling.
i did CFO with situps instead of pushups. low rd. of situps was 15 (12 for GH situps), and i finished in 10 even.
Worst day ever. Almost cried in the middle of my 'workout'. I don't even want to call what I did a workout. I ended up doing 10 sets of 4 and 4.
Tomorrow has to be better right......?
oh well. like many CF WODs, 3 rds are better than 1.
She's right, though, Ang. Sometimes when that happens to me, I figure I need a day or 2 off. And sometimes there's no explanation and i'm back in full force the next day. I'm sure the same applies to you. Only you're faster than me to begin with...
As athelets we all have peaks and valleys to beat yourself up about a valley only pulls you further into it. You just had a poor perfermance today, it was only today not tomorrw. Compare that with all the great performances and the strides you have made since you started, and I think your prospective will change.
As competitive people we focus on where we need to go all too often not where we have come from and we need to look back sometime and get some perspective.
So go do something fun tonight and let it go cause it was a small bump in the road.
I did CFO today in 959 I think I did a few xtra tabata rounds..
Donohoe out...
Glad to see I'm not the only one having melt-down days. My favorite definition of courage- the quiet voice inside that says 'I'll try again tomorrow'.
Junior (AKA Joe C.), I will have to get some booty shorts for Mondays... or just cutoff some sweatpants and make them. :-)
My wrists were too "juicy" when I got to 28 muscle-ups, so I finished with 8 pull-ups and 8 ring dips. I did, however, do the last 2 muscle-ups after I finished. Thanks to a tape job done by Ben.
Great job 5:30ers!!!!
Ang, you rock. Leave it be. You know you are going to have a kick ass day on back squats tomorrow. :)
I got through 19.5 rounds when kylie finished her 30 freaking muscleups (badass!). then did 4 more pullups before leaving. my hands hurt.
Kylie is amazing!!!!!! That song from the jungle book came to my head last night...."I wanna be like youhoo hoo boogiboogiwoo" - who knows where jungle book came from in the middle of an aganizing workout, but it did.
This was the most unassisted muscle-ups I have done in a WOD so I am happy about that but I have a lot of work to go.
Great job to those who were able to get through all 30 MU's!!