Friday 090206

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

5 rounds for time:
10 DB Hang Squat Clean (35#/20#)
10 Handstand Pushups

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Neil Wattier

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13 Responses to "Friday 090206"

  1. paul Says:
  2. at my hotel, 1 rd of 6 flights of stairs and 10 burpees--then the burpees started bothering my shoulder, so i changed it to stairs and air squats (50)--4 rds. 11:12.
  3. Mel C Says:
  4. Eff my life. Stink and Drink then this? Pretty sure you posted this while you were still at the bar...
  5. JonD Says:
  6. Hope the stink and drink was fun. Im sorry I missed it I wasnt feelin to good. Well good luck the rest of the day and see yall soon.
  7. Chad Says:
  8. This was a big mess for me. I scaled to 30lb and did the first two rounds of hspus with green bands and the last three with handstand holds against the wall. I didn't finish by the cutoff, took a 2 minute break and finished the rest. I fell on my head twice and saw stars once. My shoulders are shot and I can't lift my arms.
  9. Addi Says:
  10. 11:06... not too impressed with my HSPUs today. My shoulder was bothering me a little, but that wasn't what slowed me down - I was just too weak. Had to go up to 3 abmats by the end, and I still failed on several. Suck. I knew these were a weakness, but I felt like I'd been getting stronger lately. Cleans felt decent though - the knee wasn't too bad on the squats. Fickle little bastard.
  11. Addi Says:

    Interesting interview about paleo/zone... would be interested to hear what the resident experts have to say. You know who you are.
  13. Melissa B Says:
  14. 14:22 for sprint Helen with Cora...4 rounds. I've currently got a little of the black lung!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. This was a dirty one. 20# and used a green band for HSPUs 14:32 if its possible, i think my HSPUs have gotten worse since the competiton. uhg. Looked like a good 5:30 crowd tho, have a good night ya'll!
  17. Joe C Says:
  18. 12:26 on "Sprint Helen"
    didnt have to break up any of the reps on anything. then worked on some butterfly pullups got four in a row haha. defiantly destroyed from Kelly yesterday then this tonight. but tomorrow is FARMHOUSE!! whoohoo haha i cant wait
  19. B3nj4m1n Says:
  20. Joe and I partnered up for sprint helen, good times. 12:26 then did some hand walking set a new pr of 10.5 mats, so happy.

    Everyone should come to FarmHouse after the 10am class and enjoy some wonderful food and decadent cinnamon rolls, pecan rolls, carmel rolls, or mother earth rolls. Now I have to clean my keyboard its covered in drool.
  21. Cari Says:
  22. Did Sprint Helen with Kelli; finished in 17:55. I was pretty much dreading the hspu workout all day and worked on them a little before class started so I was thrilled to do Sprint Helen instead!!
  23. BC Says:
  24. The 6:30 class did traditional Helen, no teams. I subbed 132# deadlifts for the KB swings because I did swings earlier this week and I missed yesterday's DL WOD. 12:32 total. I'm not the biggest fan of running but it was kind of nice to take advantage of the awesome weather and see Enterprise again. I'm sure that feeling will fade quickly by, oh, let's say May. Nice job 6:30 crew. Since tomorrow is a rest day does that mean no traditional Saturday team WOD?
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. 14:44 Sprint Helen with Dan

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