Wednesday 090114

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Rest Day.

Tony Espejo pulling some serious weight.

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21 Responses to "Wednesday 090114"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. Damn bands - my left shin looks like it took a crowbar or 3... all bruises and scabs.
  3. paul Says:
  4. great work as always by the 6am folks.

    back squats (225#) and rowing:

    21 squats
    500m row
    15 squats
    500m row
    9 squats
    500m row


    pretty rough, but actually not as awful as I thought it would be.
  5. kahrs Says:
  6. Did OHS 3 Rep Max

    Got 147 for 3 reps, tried 155 like 5 different times and couldn't get the third rep up, was very frustrating, great job Greg that was a lot of weight.
  7. VD Says:
  8. I am SOOO taking the rest day today. My butt hurts, my legs hurt and my co-workers are laughing at me becuase I when I sit down or stand up I look like one of our 95 year old patients! It's a good hurt though. I'm going to bed now! Have a great Wed. everyone. Peace, I'm out!
  9. Mel C Says:
  10. Jen and Nicole! Where are your posts about the WOD?!?!?! Haha. I'm not taking a rest day...I ate way too much this weekend and my heart is pumping grease through it. I'll come in and do something atleast.

    Cari! Get your hinney back in the gym with me! We miss you! But get better first I guess...
  11. linds Says:
  12. "Annie" 50-40-30-20-10 DUs and sit-ups, I was nervous doing this since my DUs suck. Ricky said he would say a prayer for me. I think it actually helped b/c I was doing 10-12 DUs in a row, which is good for me. My time was 10:02, didn't make the cutoff, but I was pretty happy with my DUs.
  13. hannah eileen Says:
  14. I hate my shoulder. Hate. I have recently found the benefits of working at a physical therapy clinic, though. :)
    Today, I did 3 rep OH squats and am disappointed with how I did. Tonight, I am planning on doing Annie when I get off work. Nothing says fun like doubling up CF workouts!
    Great job today, nooners!
  15. Mark Says:
  16. Well I was exteremly sore today after just two mainsite WODs and I was definitely not looking forward to doing OH squats. Luckily we did them last week so Ricky had us do "Annie". The last time I did "Annie" I was still really terrible at DUs so I was interested to see what kind of time I could get. I finished in 6:23 which is more than half of my previous PR so that is good. Situps were tough after the first round though.
  17. Mark Says:
  18. PS, it was pretty cool when Alison, Brandon and I all finished the first set of 50 DUs within a half second of eachother. But after that Alison just smoked us with the sit-ups.
  19. Steve Says:
  20. Back squats, 265x3. Looking forward to rest and recovery day. Not sure what I'll do around 5:30...
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. I have internet in my dorm room now. Just to let everyone know haha i did the KB swings and lunges WOD but i cut it in half and did two more rounds with a lighter KB. It pretty awesome hangin around afterwards doin handstands haha good job everyone see ya tomorrow =)
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Stacy and I did the make up Push Jerk workout. I got up to 115 on Push Jerk and hung out with that weight for a few sets. Stacy moved forward to split jerks - nice work btw! I just didn't feel comfortable with that lift - its been A LONG time since I did that and didn't want to jump in that me sissy. whatever...

    Did "Annie" by myself after the jerks and did my first sub 6 minute "Annie" :)
  25. A Says:
  26. Thanks Mark! You guys really pushed me. :-) Nice work, BTW!

    Uh, yeah. I'm about as sore as I've been in 6 months. Everything hurts and feels swollen. I'm diggin this serious training!!!

    Annie: 5:something
    Then did 4 sets of 15 OHS at 60%. Felt pretty good. Working towards 15 bodyweight OHS. Then did a million attempts to walk far on my hands. Good times, guys! :-)
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. Did Annie this morning in 9:51 :( it wasn't until the cut off time that I got 20 in a row.
  29. Gdawg Says:
  30. did the OH squat workout with Kylie. Did 3 reps at 120# and 1 at #125. Nice job 5:30...huge group...warmup was FUN!! enjoy the rest day guys...YIPEE!

  31. Brandon Says:
  32. Mark, Allison, and Reba, I felt like a snail compared to you guys tonight. You guys smoked the sh*t out of "Annie"! I had fun falling over doing handstands after the WOD, it was good times... although I am soooo looking forward to a rest day. :-) It's about time you got internet access Joe! hahaha

    As RX'd 7:07

  33. John W Says:
  34. Whoops, forgot to post today. Annie was as fun as ever, but I'll be darned if I didn't grab the wrong rope this morning to start things off. The first 50+ DU's felt like trying to change a tire with an orange, it just wasn't working. Finally I exchanged for the right rope and was off to the races. Nevertheless, I lost a lot of time on that first set and finished in 9:15 or so. I will tackle this one again someday and this time I'll have the right tools. Nice job today all! Looks like the gym saw some solid performances.
  35. A Says:
  36. I am going to try to change a tire with an orange, because I think that's the coolest statement I've ever heard. :-) The rope makes all the difference!!!
  37. Mel C Says:
  38. 50 KB Swings
    50 Walking Lunges
    3 rounds
    NOT FUN!
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. Did Monday's work out and substituted the KB swings with push press with the bar.
    30 push press
    30 lunges
    3 rounds
    This felt a lot better on my lower back.
  41. Addi Says:
  42. Back squat 175 x 3, which is bodyweight. For some reason, I thought I should be able to do more than that, but if you saw the 3rd rep at 175, you'd know why I didn't push for more. Looked more like a deadlift than a squat - can't believe I made it up in one piece.

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