Thursday 090115

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
7 Sumo Dead-lift High Pull (115#/85#)
7 Handstand Pushups
1 Rope Climb

Post time to comments.

Vanessa Wattier

Those in the qualifier group are asked to observe today's main site rest day. Pick up a sport, go for a run, come in and row, but no gym exercises.

Those of you that pay your monthly dues mid-month, they are now due. Thank you for taking care of this as soon as possible.

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9 Responses to "Thursday 090115"

  1. paul Says:
  2. did a variation on "whooping cough":


    box jumps (20")
    jumping squats
    ball slams (20#)

  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Missing shoes! If you have seen my black weight lifting shoes please let me know. I used them Tuesday morning & they weren't in the box the next day. Any info would be great. Thanks
  5. Mel C Says:
  6. Umm not sure about this arms are effing shot. Maybe I'll do my own thing at 4:30...I'll have to think about this one. i definitely want to do the rope climb though!
  7. VD Says:
  8. I finished 9 rounds today. I've yet to do a handstand, let alone HSPU, so I did full ROM pushups. My form wasn't the best, but it's the first time I've done them sans bands or knees. I was kinda happy with that. I also scaled the rope climbs. It was only my second time with SDLHP and I was pretty happy with my form. I think I should've gone heavier, but now I know better for the next time I see these. Good job today nooners. Glad to see some rope burn.
  9. Addi Says:
  10. Way to go on the pushups, VD! STUD.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. i got 9 rounds with 4 SDHP this one really burned the crap out of my forearms well ill see ya all tomorrow =)
  13. BC Says:
  14. I'm slowly but surely getting all the crap worked out of my system and starting to feel somewhat normal again. I felt much better tonight than I did Tuesday morning. As for the WOD I completed 6 plus rounds using Rx'd for the DLHP and 2 ab mats for the HSPU. I also did all the rope climbs with arms know, just for funsies. The 6:30 class was HUGE tonight, nice job boys.
  15. VD Says:
  16. Thanks Addi. Now I have something new to try in the bathroom next time I've had too much to drink.
  17. Sprockets Says:
  18. Felt pokey today. Two HSPUs and one rope climb short of 6 rounds.

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