Tuesday 090113

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


5 rounds for time:
135 pound Squat Cleans, 12 reps
21 Pushups

Post time to comments.

Tovar getting in some shoveling.

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27 Responses to "Tuesday 090113"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. The main-site gods are in my favor... another heavy one with some arms today. eeeeexcellent... See you later, nooners!
  3. kahrs Says:
  4. Insert Mark Rippetoe quote here "it's okay to wear gloves if they match your purse" sorry Tovar it was to good to pass up.
  5. paul Says:
  6. too sore to come in--taking an unscheduled rest day. have fun with all those cleans, everyone!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. I am not off to a great start with these dot com WODs... I had to sub 30 Med Ball cleans (20#) for each round of power cleans and used a purple band for the dips.
    Looks like I might have to invest in some gloves.... and a matching purse.
  9. BC Says:
  10. Today was a big fat DNF for me, and I can definitely tell I haven't worked out for a week. I was not feeling it at all. Felt good to get back in though and hopefully I can get back in the swing of things quickly. Nice job breakfast club.
  11. John W Says:
  12. Unfortunately my lifting shoes are in the shop. However, undaunted and barefoot, I completed the .com wod in 15:54 RX'd. 2 days down, how many to go Jeff? Nice work 6AMer's!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. I am gonna need some "Rage Against the Machine" for this one.....Ricky/Joe?? Can ya dig it!?!?! :)

    5:30....I'm bringin my gloves. Ang - I think I have an extra pair for ya....
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. I went at 6am....yes folks that is correct 6 AM!! I think I might like going that early, not sure if my body does :)
    Anyway my cleans were dirty this morning with 77#, my form was ugly from the first one today. Ring dips, I started off using the purple band and wasnt going down far enough so I switched to the tan. Overall finished at 17:49. Back is still really tight from VS last night.
  17. Mel C Says:
  18. Shoveling looks ridiculous. I'll be there at 5:30 ready to die. I already ran today and died doing that. Eff my life.
  19. kahrs Says:
  20. .com 18:36 scaled to tan band first round of dips, then went to the blue band. Need to work on touch and go cleans, but I can never get my back set right for it on heavier cleans. The dips killed me.
  21. linds Says:
  22. I did the first 10 reps with 98#(that was heavy), I dropped down to 88#. I used a purple band on ring dips finished in 19:02. Nice work morning crew! Ang I hope your hands heal quickly.
  23. Chad Says:
  24. Can't make this one. My daughter is a softball player and Monica Abbott is in town.
  25. hannah eileen Says:
  26. Ang, I bought you gloves. You have some, dork.
    I also took an unscheduled rest day today. I worked out Saturday-Monday and my body needed a break. See ya'll in the mornin tomorrow. Can't wait.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. main site 18:31 with 88# and did 1/3 of all the rounds without a band, the remaining 2/3 with purple band. dips were hard, had a hard time locking out and had to re-do quite a few of the dips because i couldn't get them. def need to work on cleans, but i guess they went okay. my wrist is still hurting after a month- i'll do my best to therapize it because i'm a wimp when it comes to pain!
  29. Steve Says:
  30. "therapize"???
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. yes steve. i have the power to create my own words(among other things). and therapize is one of them. now stop your doubtage before i monstacure you.
  33. Addi Says:
  34. Them's fightin words, I think, Steve...

    18:50 with 98# and ... lots of bands. Dips slowed me down a LOT. I didn't have too much trouble with cleans, especially after I got the 15 and 12 out of the way. Probably should have gone prescribed on those. It always feels heavier in the warmup.
  35. Kelli Says:
  36. did the cfo wod -- 77# on the squat clean and 15 pushups. I am so mad because I was 5 pushups away from finishing within the time limit. ARGH! If only I woulda paced myself a little bit better. But thanks to Ricky - I think I finally got the movement down bc my legs are all bruised to hell! :P
  37. Steve Says:
  38. Kylie, your college education was money well spent.

    As for me today, DNF.
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. Nice work tonight 5:30 - those dang cleans have a way of shredding the shins!!!

    18:32 Rex'd Cleans and managed 41 dips without the band and then added the purple band when I started missing my lock out on those. Dips suck.

    I got very frustrated when I missed 3 cleans in a row, but then I remembered Joe's famous last words "When the weight gets heavy, you will have to drop the start position lower to get it up." So I did that and the bar started flying back up again.....thank god because I was running out of cuss words!
  41. Brandon Says:
  42. Nice work 5:30. I did the main site WOD this evening, and found another weakness... the dread pirate "Ring Dip"! I think I did around 25-30 extra during the workout, because I didn't feel those reps were good. After the WOD though, Ricky told me how much I really suck at them. :-) I need to work on these... A LOT!

    As RX'd 15:05

  43. A Says:
  44. Oh how much tonight sucked ass....
    dot com WOD: 14:and change. Started with 100# for about 7 or 8 reps, which was a joke. Then dropped cleans to 90#. Used purple band with one leg for dips. Did I mention how much my hands still hurt? :-)
    Thanks so much, Ricky, for working with Steve and I after, on form. That helped a lot. Thanks, Joe, for motivating us throughout this awful workout. Seriously frustrating and humbling WOD tonight. I have a LONG way to go to prepare, I sadly realize.
    Great effort 5:30! Way to push through!
  45. Jenni Says:
  46. Did the CFO workout today. I used the ladies bar with the 10lb training weights all the way up until just about the last set. Then I went to the bar. I also scaled the pushups with 21-18-15-12-9. Finished in 16:10. I was really proud though because when we did these last time, I didn't use any weights, just the bar :)
  47. Gdawg Says:
  48. Definitely glad a purchased some gloves this afternoon! I did the mainsite wod. After warming up I knew the dips would kick my ass but I thought that I might be able to catch up on the cleans, however, the dips REALLY kicked my ass and I DNF. Rx'd cleans but scaled the dips...used tan band for the first few rounds and then added a purple too...for some reason my left arm had a hard time locking out...dips better not show up at that competition! NICE work 5:30...very impressive!

  49. Mark Says:
  50. I also took part in the 5:30 main site workout. The cleans were heavy but I got through them without too much of a struggle, my form was questionable on the last ones though. The dips however were killer. I thought I had built up more strength on these but apparently not. The last two rounds I could only manage one rep at a time and I probably didn't get full lockout on several.

    Besides that I finished in 17:22 as Rx'd.
  51. paul Says:
  52. you guys are all BEASTS!!
  53. Anonymous Says:
  54. CFO WOD. DNF. I did 21 push ups between each round which obviously got the best of me. Finsihed the round out after Ricky called time. Did 60 pounds? for the weight.

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