3 Rounds for time:
50 KB Swings, 1.5 pood
Walking Lunges, 50 steps
Scale load and/or reps as needed.
Post time to comments.
Look at that technique. Although, it looks as though the hips have opened before the legs have fully extended. No. Not Jeff Shannon. Nice job big man.
I am, however, really excited for virtual shoveling. Not so much for 105 pullups, though.
I scaled from 30 reps down to 20 for the main siste WOD. finished in 15:02 then did more shoveling. Addi, don't be excited. It's not that much fun.
See ya'll tomorrow. So happy to be back in the gym with a normal routine!
Way to kill that workout Jeff!
Hannah...I'm sorry I ditched out this morning! I'm going to be a 6am-er this semester tho! :o)
I hate shoveling, virtual and otherwise. I didn't finish and I hate saying that too..
I got through 8 shovels of the round of 10.
I did the CFO WOD. I subbed 30 lunges, 20 air squats. I just suck at lunges. Finished in 16 something I think. Won't be able to walk down the stairs tomorrow.
Ang, you are a rockstar even though you didn't finish--you would've killed it if your hands hadn't gotten so f'ed up.
I did the virtual shovels and SDHPs (75#). 18:26. brutalized my lower back.
How can hands rip so quickly on this type of workout, but not even have problems with workouts like Cindy......urghgh
Also - I would like some feedback on frozen fish? It can't be bad right? Much easier to keep in my fridge than getting fresh.....
My pullup endurance, or lack thereof, is slowing me down, but they weren't as bad as I was expecting. Still finished up bleeding from 4 places. NICE.
Day 1 on Zone was fairly successful. (No excuses, left, Ang!) Really not that different from my normal eating habits - just timing the snacks and watching the balance. Need to play around with moving some blocks around, though. 3 at breakfast is too much, but not enough at lunch.
As RX'd 17:07
Awesome job 5:30! That was about as serious as I've seen everyone during class! Way to go Megan at 6:30! We killed it! Thanks to everyone that stayed to cheer us on!
Addi, I was sooo impressed with your pullups. You have come so far!!!