Monday 090112

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


3 Rounds for time:
50 KB Swings, 1.5 pood
Walking Lunges, 50 steps

Scale load and/or reps as needed.

Post time to comments.

Look at that technique. Although, it looks as though the hips have opened before the legs have fully extended. No. Not Jeff Shannon. Nice job big man.

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23 Responses to "Monday 090112"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. Ugh. For the record, 3 blocks is a LOT at 4:30 in the morning. I've never come as close to hating eating as much as I do this morning.

    I am, however, really excited for virtual shoveling. Not so much for 105 pullups, though.
  3. hannah eileen Says:
  4. Great job this morning crew!
    I scaled from 30 reps down to 20 for the main siste WOD. finished in 15:02 then did more shoveling. Addi, don't be excited. It's not that much fun.
    See ya'll tomorrow. So happy to be back in the gym with a normal routine!
  5. ZachR Says:
  6. Scaled main site WOD but was very happy to be working out right alongside everyone. I started out with a yellow bumper for the shoveling and after the first two rounds dropped to a green bumper. I scaled the pullups to 1 arm jumping pullups. Finished in 17:22 I believe.

    Way to kill that workout Jeff!
  7. kahrs Says:
  8. Scaled down the MS WOD to 25, finished right at 19:00. Finished up with a few more shovels. The back is a little tight. Great job everyone.
  9. Mel C Says:
  10. Completely missed my alarm this morning and am at work and school all day. Which I am NOT happy about. Randomly picked a WOD on the road to do at home and...lucky 200 air squats for time.

    Hannah...I'm sorry I ditched out this morning! I'm going to be a 6am-er this semester tho! :o)
  11. linds Says:
  12. I did the main site WOD Rx'd I had 10 pull-ups, and the last two sets(10-5) left. My forearms were tight during the workout.
  13. Steve Says:
  14. Leave it to someone from California to come up with 'Virtual' Shoveling. I already got a head-start on this one this morning...
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Well I fucking destroyed my hands today....
    I hate shoveling, virtual and otherwise. I didn't finish and I hate saying that too..
    I got through 8 shovels of the round of 10.
  17. VD Says:
  18. Ang, I don't know how you were able to type that with your hands! Sorry you didn't get to finish, but it wasn't for the lack of trying. You kick @$$! Seriously!

    I did the CFO WOD. I subbed 30 lunges, 20 air squats. I just suck at lunges. Finished in 16 something I think. Won't be able to walk down the stairs tomorrow.
  19. paul Says:
  20. It's awesome that you're back in the gym, ZachR!

    Ang, you are a rockstar even though you didn't finish--you would've killed it if your hands hadn't gotten so f'ed up.

    I did the virtual shovels and SDHPs (75#). 18:26. brutalized my lower back.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. 18 something - this was just silly! My hands ripped in the round of 15, so then I decided to scale to jumping pullups. Didn't feel like torturing my poor hands after that. Very frustrating though. So riddle me this??

    How can hands rip so quickly on this type of workout, but not even have problems with workouts like Cindy......urghgh

    Also - I would like some feedback on frozen fish? It can't be bad right? Much easier to keep in my fridge than getting fresh.....
  23. Addi Says:
  24. I scaled, starting out from 20 - finished that in 11:40. Clearly should have started at least at 25. So I went back and finished 30, and was halfway through the 25 shovels at time.

    My pullup endurance, or lack thereof, is slowing me down, but they weren't as bad as I was expecting. Still finished up bleeding from 4 places. NICE.

    Day 1 on Zone was fairly successful. (No excuses, left, Ang!) Really not that different from my normal eating habits - just timing the snacks and watching the balance. Need to play around with moving some blocks around, though. 3 at breakfast is too much, but not enough at lunch.
  25. ZachR Says:
  26. Reba - Nothing wrong with frozen fish. I will get a bag of individually frozen tilapia filets and bake a few at a time. Makes for a quick and easy zone dinner!
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. i scaled and started at 25 and finished in 14:21. probably should have tried the 30, but i was scared that i wouldn't get the cut-off time. great to be back to CFO!
  29. Brandon Says:
  30. This was really brutal. I think everyone was digging real deep to finish this WOD. :-)

    As RX'd 17:07

  31. Brandon Says:
  32. The virtual shovel and pullup WOD... that's the one I did. Forgot to say which WOD I completed.

  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. DNF-was starting mu pull-ups on the 15, then I looked at my hands and a blood blister exploded so I quit...I think there was only 15 seconds left.
  35. Mark Says:
  36. I did the shovel / pull-up work out and finished in 19:19. This was tough on the hands and I had to finger grip the pull-up bar the last 2 rounds. Great work 5:30 and way to kick some ass at 6:30 Alison and Megan!!
  37. Chad Says:
  38. I went home early because of the weather and did the workout there. I subbed a 35lb dumbell for the swings and finished in 19:05.
  39. Gdawg Says:
  40. did the pullup/shovel workout, scaled it starting at 25...pullups were always!! my goal was to start off doing 5 at a time, yeah I made A set of 5 then had to go down to 3 then to 1 and then couldn't even hang from the bar, went to jumping pullups on the round of some nice sexy bloody blister hands ;-) great job alison!! you kicked that WOD's ass!!! and thanks to all the guys that stayed after to cheer us on!! GOOD JOB TODAY EVERYONE!!!!
  41. A Says:
  42. Well, since I no longer have to actually shovel, virtual shoveling was fun! My lower back hurts just as much as the real deal. :-) 19:46 RX'd. When my hands sweat, the searing pain from the 6 bloody holes on my hands is a pleasant reminder of the WOD.

    Awesome job 5:30! That was about as serious as I've seen everyone during class! Way to go Megan at 6:30! We killed it! Thanks to everyone that stayed to cheer us on!

    Addi, I was sooo impressed with your pullups. You have come so far!!!
  43. Donohoe Says:
  44. Sounds like I missed a fun one, I did 21 15 9 bx jumps, f##kn burpes and situps since no ball to slam. 8.35 finished. I am excitied to get back to a regular schedule and see everyone again. take care.
  45. Addi Says:
  46. Thanks, ALF. They were slow, but they felt strong. I was pleased. :)

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