Thursday 090129

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps

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The crew with Coach Rip, in Aromas.

Listen to the radio interview with Coach Rippetoe, located within the article posted above.
Post your thoughts to comments.

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25 Responses to "Thursday 090129"

  1. A Says:
  2. Mark Rippetoe is a badass. That's all I have to say.
  3. B3nj4m1n Says:
  4. The radio blog interview is great. Hooks, very nice.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. I'm excited for the main site WOD and making up for the shitty performance I had last time we did dips. Same amount of cleans this time w/less weight and half the number of dips. Can't wait!
  7. Gdawg Says:
  8. F*in ring dips!! GRRR!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. This clip, Mark's speech to the National War College, and any other comments have almost always been slams on traditional box gyms. Obviously, I agree, otherwise I wouldn't be here. But how can you expect to turn the tide on a multi-million (billion?) dollar industry? Aside from Bally's going bankrupt, which I think is due more to the economy downturn than a change in fitness expectations. I think Xfit is only going to fill a relatively small niche in the market... but I would love to be proved wrong.
  11. A Says:
  12. Steve - Bally's called me, and said they went bankrupt because I no longer teach/train there. Nothing to do with our current economic hardships, they assured me. ha!
  13. paul Says:
  14. Rob, you are a straight-up BEAST! Nice work, bro!

    314x3 (PR)

    then 100 air squats for time: 1:34.
  15. linds Says:
  16. main site WOD used 89# for the cleans, and a purple band for ring dips. cleans were tough b/c of the full squat, dips went well today. DNF in 15mins, I had 4 cleans and 9 dips left, damn it!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Main site, did 89# like Lindsay, but didnt finish as many as her..nice work girl. Used purple band too, but only made it to the rings dips once. So DNF.

    Dont forget about the Stink and Drink next week!!
  19. Greg MO Says:
  20. Coach Rip puts in layman's terms the real state of the fitness industry and everything wrong with it.

    I compare his comments to that of the world government's (a.k.a.: Rippetoe, Burgener, xfitters, etc.) against adolf hitler and the Nazi regime (a.k.a.:big box gyms, fitnes equipment manufacturers, etc.), THEY MUST BE STOPPED!!!!

    Anyone intereseted in real fitness of any kind without the proper knowledge or resources to educate themselves should hear this interview before making any decisions about what they should do or who they should seek council from when starting a fitness/exercise program.
  21. JonD Says:
  22. The "SQUAT" I love it. This interview was great and I think everyone needs to hear this, xfitter or not.

    Speaking of squating this morning people were puttin in work! There was more weight on some bars and more people going lower in their squat than ever before. Great work everyone. Good luck the rest of the day.

    Did "Elizabeth"

    See yall tonight
  23. paul Says:
  24. after listening to coach Rip, i want to come back in and squat more!
  25. VD Says:
  26. First time with back squats. Got up to 141x3.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. I tried to do all of my dips today unassisted. I got through 16 of the first set and then used a purple band, but did all of the 15 and 9 unassisted. Better than I've done in the past. Much better actually. The cleans felt really good for me today. Someone once said to get my elbows up.... turns out that was good advise.
    I didn't finish in thte 15 minute cutoff, 16 something. But the dips took a while so whatever.
    Nice job Kylie Roe!!
  29. Gdawg Says:
  30. 88# on cleans and used a tan band for dips....finished in 13:30...its a deep burn!! great job 5:30....way to finish hard!!

  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. Did "Elizabeth" over my lunch hour. Finished as Rx'd in 9:08. Gotta get better yet so I can get up there with Tricky's 6 minute time :)
  33. Joe C Says:
  34. didnt do all the sets of squat. but got 240 3 times and it was real easy. but i cant seem to get that d*mn grip right so i can hold the weight on my back. scratch yet another thing to my ever increasing weakness list haha. good job everyone! =)
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. Got to 174# x 3. Tried to get over 200 but wasn't happening. Dan M.
  37. Chad Says:
  38. 264# x 3.

    I have a new favorite lift.
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. Got up to 158#x2. I'm not sure what my old PR was cause I haven't done these is such a long time, but I was pretty happy with today.
  41. Brandon Says:
  42. Did "Elizabeth" tonight. Ring dips...uhg!

    As RX'd 12:12

  43. B3nj4m1n Says:
  44. Did back squats tonight got up to 240#x3 and better yet it was midweek malt day, delicious. Looking forward to cinnamon roll Saturday now, can't wait for Farm House.
  45. Anonymous Says:
  46. 141#x3 Back squats
  47. BC Says:
  48. Decided to do the .com WOD tonight, fully Rx'd and did not even get close to finishing. As much as that sucks I am glad I decided to push myself and go for it. Like Ricky says, heavy makes you shave twice a day (t shirt). After the cleans tonight and the squat clean thrusters on Tuesday I'm looking forward to the next time I do Fran. Nice job 6:30.
  49. Addi Says:
  50. Elizabeth 14:49

    88# cleans; used tan bands for about half the dips, tan and purple for the other half. When we did dips a few weeks ago, I had to use blue and purple by the end, so these felt really good. Turns out showing up consistently gets better results than eating Wendy's and sitting on my ass. Who knew?

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