Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps
Post weights used to comments.

The crew with Coach Rip, in Aromas.
What Would Rob Do to Lose 10 Pounds in 2009? - National Public Radio
Listen to the radio interview with Coach Rippetoe, located within the article posted above.
Post your thoughts to comments.
314x3 (PR)
then 100 air squats for time: 1:34.
Dont forget about the Stink and Drink next week!!
I compare his comments to that of the world government's (a.k.a.: Rippetoe, Burgener, xfitters, etc.) against adolf hitler and the Nazi regime (a.k.a.:big box gyms, fitnes equipment manufacturers, etc.), THEY MUST BE STOPPED!!!!
Anyone intereseted in real fitness of any kind without the proper knowledge or resources to educate themselves should hear this interview before making any decisions about what they should do or who they should seek council from when starting a fitness/exercise program.
Speaking of squating this morning people were puttin in work! There was more weight on some bars and more people going lower in their squat than ever before. Great work everyone. Good luck the rest of the day.
Did "Elizabeth"
See yall tonight
I didn't finish in thte 15 minute cutoff, 16 something. But the dips took a while so whatever.
Nice job Kylie Roe!!
I have a new favorite lift.
As RX'd 12:12
88# cleans; used tan bands for about half the dips, tan and purple for the other half. When we did dips a few weeks ago, I had to use blue and purple by the end, so these felt really good. Turns out showing up consistently gets better results than eating Wendy's and sitting on my ass. Who knew?