Friday 090116

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of:
Box Jumps, 20 inch box

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You girls remember this pic? Good times, huh?

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20 Responses to "Friday 090116"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I did the main site WOD and it was hard. I was pretty sure it was going to suck, especially because my hands are still ripped up. But I put on gloves and just did it.
    I only had 7 damn pull-ups left when time ran out. I really wanted to finish but didn't have it in me I guess.
    Great job to everyone else.
    Those box jumps looked shitty too...
  3. kahrs Says:
  4. Main site WOD, big DNF. Made it through 14 pull ups of the second round. The GH Sit ups slowed me down a lot along with pull ups. My arms are dead. Great job every one.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Nice work Ang :) I just read it and my mind went to my POOR THROBBING HANDS ( which keep cracking open and bleeding due to inclement weather I think ) I would like to talk to one girl out there who's hands don't rip and see what she is doing. urghgh

    See ya'll later - 5:30 b*tches!

    Totally remember the picture - good times, good times :) Wish I had Libby's tan and not my lobster colored legs.....
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. 14:39 Rx'd for the CFO workout.
  9. paul Says:
  10. stayed home and did the dreaded burpee-deadlift WOD:

    5 rds

    5 DLs (275)
    10 burpees


    that was really hard, even with slow burpees.
  11. VD Says:
  12. Did the CFO WOD. It should be called VD Hell. I knew I was going to hate it. I hate it more knowing that I scaled it to exclude the first 50 and still barely finished (19:18). Thanks for pushing me at the end nooners! Everyone kicked butt today.
  13. Mel C Says:
  14. I need a rest day. I am so sore I'm operating like a 95 year old. I want to do this work out next rest day. Looks hard.
  15. Jenni Says:
  16. Did today as RX'd. Good workout. Finished in 17:25. I'm excited!
  17. Kelli Says:
  18. 17:23 Rx'd - wish I could have gone to work on the rythmn of the box jumps more. Tomorrow is not gonna be fun for me after all these situps! Especially since I have a heavy deadlift workout to do! See everyone next week - should be in Wednesday...
  19. Steve Says:
  20. DNF!
  21. Mark Says:
  22. Did the main site workout and even with an extended 25 mintue cutoff (due to traffic at the GH developers) it was a big DNF. I finished my set of 50 hip and back extensions right at 25 minutes. I already know tomorrow is going to be rough no matter what the WOD is...
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. CFO as Rx'ed. Did not finish in the time limit but took about a min rest and finished the reps. Made it through 50-40-30-18 before the time limit. Total time was about 23:30
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. did the CFO WOD and finished in 9:19 as RX'd i really need to work on situps never really been good at them after that Ben and i worked on squat cleans. See yall tomorrow =)
  27. A Says:
  28. dotcom WOD - 19:11 as Rx'd, with some wait time at the GHD. Boy did pullups hurt like a mother. I successfully re-ripped everything, and added some new friends. First week down. I'm lovin it. It helps that I get the honor of working out with such fabulous fellow-athletes. Way to go 5:30! C-ya tomorrow!
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. Its my first post! Did the CFO workout Rx'd in 10:36. Felt pretty good...for now. Nice work nooners.
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. My rep count was all over the place! Had to sub GHD back extensions and do Good Mornings on a few rounds due to equipment overload....and I gotta say that Good Mornings take way more time and are HARDER! Here was my strange rep cycle....

    10 GHD situps
    10 GHD back extensions
    30 thrusters
    50 pullups - OUCH FREAKING OWIE
    30 GHD situps
    20 Good Mornings
    20 thrusters
    25 pullups
    50 GHD situps
    60 GHD back extensions - ok this round sucked back making up reps
    30 pullups

    Finished in under 25 mins. Forgot 5 reps on the pullups after looking at the rex'd listing. Had it in my head to hit 30. . .

    Nice work to people who put up with the pain and worked and through it. I just don't know how you all did that! I was going 3 reps on average and each one was sandpapering my hands....

    10K tomorrow? I will bring my dog and sled for when I fall down on the ice! Hazardous!
  33. Sprockets Says:
  34. 16:08. My lack of rhythm with the box jumps kills me.
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. I did modified .com wod. DNF has 15 pullups left. On second round I did more sit-ups & back then was supposed to, oh well. I just couldn't read @ that point in time. This was a hard one, I could feel my brain pulsing after :). Great job Alison for doing it in time Rx'd!!!
  37. Gdawg Says:
  38. DNF, scaled hurt.

  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. main site:
    got full 2 rounds, 34 GH, 6 thrusters. ouch.

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