250 Jumping Jacks for time
Jumping jacks must be full range of motion, with arms locked out at all times. You must touch hands overhead with some part of the ear covered. The feet must, at least, jump out side of shoulder width when the hands go up. Hips must stay extended at all times.
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from left to right: Kylie R., Ang L., Reba W., Alison F., and Hannah L. Some strong women.
Would rather just forget it happened. Situps + kipping + weak-ass Addi = pukie.
.com WOD
26:57 and the push ups were the worst part!
Great job everyone! I liked the big group today!
I am honestly suprised as h*ll I didn't walk back to my car after walking into the gym and seeing the look on everyone's face! So glad that Danielle showed up to do that with me at 1......
I do have to say my pushups were finally legit ( at least imo ) Ricky would probably like to see the side of my face hit the floor, but then I would get all black marks on my face and have to worry about keeping the "sides" even ;)