Saturday 090124

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

For time, in teams of two:
Row 1200 meters
100 Pushups
Row 1000 meters
80 Pushups
Row 800 meters
60 Pushups
Row 600 meters
40 Pushups

Post time to comments.

Chad Vaughn

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18 Responses to "Saturday 090124"

  1. VD Says:
  2. I first saw this WOD at 2am. I really was hoping that it was just a nightmare, sadly it wasn't. I teamed up with Gina this am. We finished after Joe called time, so I don't know what our time was. I know we rocked it though! Thanks Gina! Way to be 9am-ers!
  3. Cari Says:
  4. Worked out with Greg and DNF at the 25 min cutoff but we finished anyway around 27 something ... it was great working with you Greg and thanks for doing more than your share of the pushups! Hope everyone has a great weekend and have fun in CO Debra :).
  5. linds Says:
  6. I felt like crap this morning, I should be able to come tomorrow at 11 or noon?
  7. Steve Says:
  8. Was really happy with my lifts today... somewhere around 689 for my total, with scaling the DLs and squats at 92%. Definitely felt like I had room to expand my max on squats and deadlifts, so maybe a possible future total around 725?
  9. paul Says:
  10. Hated to be off by myself, especially on a Saturday, but from where I was standing, it looked like everyone was doing awesome work!

    5 rds:

    15 SDHP (88#)
    15 wall balls (20#)
    15 lunges (30# DBs)


    Haven't done wall balls in so long! forgot how brutal they are. SDHP is even worse, though.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Today was the worst day I think I have ever had @ xfit. I am very disappointed in my numbers today, and myself. Tomorrows another day & it will be has to be.
    To ashamed to put my numbers up. Nice work to everyone at 8am.
  13. Mark Says:
  14. So I have to somehow do the ".com" workout somewhere sometime... any body else in the same boat as me?
  15. Joe C Says:
  16. I teamed up with...Anna? haha sorry i forgot. Our time was 24:12 or 24:22 somethin like that. Good job u smoked the row! This WOD was real fun. I thought i was gonna die on the 500 row. but i didnt haha. awesome job everyone. Im back on regular schedule so ill see yall on mon. O and sorry to the trial pple for bringingFarmhouse rolls in haha =)
  17. B3nj4m1n Says:
  18. Teamed up with Tom today, we ended up with a DNF. We were three push ups off but the arms were too slow at that point. The rows were pretty brutal. Nice to meet you Tom, and great job. Saturdays rule because I almost always get to meet someone.
  19. hannah eileen Says:
  20. This CFO workout looks BRUTAL! Good job to those of you who attempted this workout! I would not have wanted to do this at all!
    Did the Total. Wasn't very happy with my numbers. Shoulder started hurting early on, not surprising. Finished at 437. :P My deadlift is getting stronger, but nothing else felt good.
  21. paul Says:
  22. No shame in a bad day, Danielle--we all have them. It doesn't make you any less of a crossfit badass!
  23. BC Says:
  24. Despite our effort my partner and I DNF'd, but didn't realize time had run out until I yelled "time!" after my final push up and Ricky gave me that "WTF, dumbass" look. Oh, got it. Good show by everyone at the 10am class.

    Paul, I think that movie comes out in August, and the countdown is on.
  25. paul Says:
  26. Sweet, B Christ! Speaking of which, have you ever seen the voiced over GI Joe public service announcements? Some of them a pure genius.
  27. Brandon Says:
  28. Mark, if you need to do the .com WOD, hit me up. I need to get it done too, I just didn't wake up in time. 402-612-4943

  29. A Says:
  30. yeah well. pretty sad numbers for me. Crossfit Total: 475.
    DL: 231#
    Back Squat: 169#
    Press: a sucky 75# WTF? Can't seem to get this down, or rather, UP.
    Nice work to everyone at noon. Way to go Reba on the DL! Must have been the anticipation of Cheesecake Factory...
  31. Mark Says:
  32. Thanks for the invite Brandon but I decided to go out to my parents at about 3PM since my Dad has weights out there. I had an ok day but didn't hit any PRs.

    Shoulder Press: 145 x 3, 155 x 1(couldn't get it past my head on the second)
    Squat: 255 x 3, could've gone a little heavier but I would have preferred a spotter or two.
    Deadlift: 345 x 3, this was pretty low but I had no chalk and my sweaty palms weren't being cooperative

    I was able to hold fairly decent form on most of my deadlifts so I am happy about that!

    See you all tomorrow!!
  33. Addi Says:
  34. Definitely thought I posted this morning... here it is again..

    Squat: 175 for 3x1 (= 190 1 rep max)
    Press: 75 (hate it. my arms suck at life)
    DL: 257 3x1 (= 280 1 rep max - PR!)

    Total: 495
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. Reba: Posting so I can remember what I did since I didn't write it down.

    Press - 85
    Squat - 170
    Deadlift - 218
    Total: 473

    My deadlift felt great mechanically for a change! I know that 218 isn't a big number compared to all you beasts out there, but I went home pretty dang happy to see progress finally on this one......

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