Monday 090126

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Rest Day

Look at these busters.

A reminder that the games' group will be working out alongside everyone else today in a surprise workout. Yes, you read that right, we will not be doing the gh situp/back extension WOD.

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24 Responses to "Monday 090126"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. that a banjo I hear?
  3. paul Says:
  4. seriously, Jim! joe looks camera-shy in this picture. but maybe he's just cold.

    surprise WOD: 12 rds. ouch.

    Ang, you amaze me! way to hit 15 rds!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Thanks Paul!
    15 rounds
    I liked this surprise WOD... was a little nervous before I knew what it was.
    Great job 6 am!!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. NOOOOOO - dangit! I packed my "special" pants just so I could come and do GHD situps without them falling off the backside! If anyone even makes a crack at my unitard later, there will be h*ll to pay ;)

    So what is the WOD that Ricky wouldn't post? I need some good news now......
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Ricky I didnt know you knew Frank the big hair Joe! :)

    Dont know what to think of surprise workout either. I was ready to do the main site....way to keep us on our toes Tricky!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Reba I might have to come in at 5:30 just to see your 'special pants'....
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. greetings from the hospital! Our future crossfitter has decided to come a little early!
  15. Chad Says:
  16. Congratulations!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. OMG that is soooo exciting!!!!!!!! What is her name!!! Keep us posted! What hospital are you at?
  19. Ricky Frausto Says:
  20. Hey everyone, crystal is on location at Bergan-Mercy. It's looking like tonight may be the night. We'll let everyone know as it unfolds.

    Text me @ 402-315-8101 if you would like a text on when she arrives and all that good stuff.
  21. Ricky Frausto Says:
  22. No name though, until the stork arrives anyway.
  23. kahrs Says:
  24. Made it through 8.5 rounds, kind of mad at my self because I could have gotten nine if I would have shortened a break or two.

    Hope to hear about the new crossfitter soon.
  25. Kelli Says:
  26. Congrats Crystal and Ricky! :)
  27. linds Says:
  28. That's so exciting I am so happy for the both of you and Damien!!!
    Got 7.5 rounds, damn DUs. I really need to work on those. Great job Ang!
  29. Donohoe Says:
  30. High Nooners,
    Warning this WOD will rip your callus off.. So that being said 9.998 rounds missed it by that....much.
    Oh yeah still can't grab and hold anything my forearms are gonedy.
    Donohoe is out.......
  31. Greg MO Says:
  33. paul Says:
  34. CONGRATULATIONS! So awesome!
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. Can't wait to meet her!! Abby says she'll babysit anytime... so I guess we are offering...
    Congrats guys!!!!
  37. JimmyG Says:
  38. Congrats Frausto Family!!
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. got through 8 rounds + 15 KB swings and 17 DUs, great job tonight everyone! and congrats Ricky and Crystal! She's beautiful!
  41. Brandon Says:
  42. Congratulations Ricky and Crystal! Nice work on the "Suprise WOD" everyone, it was a good one. :-)

    As RX'd 10 rounds

  43. Cari Says:
  44. Got thru 7 rounds and 8 swings; used a 1 pood, so 15 swings each around and then did 30 tuck jumps in place of dus.
  45. Joe C Says:
  46. got through 10 rounds and 4 KB swings. Had to use tuck jumps though cus there wernt any ropes my size left. This one was friggin hard see yall tomorrow =)
  47. Anonymous Says:
  48. i think i did 8 rounds, I cannot count, swing, jump, and smile at the camera all at once! hahaha

    I started using 1.5 pood but wasnt able to get up high enough so I switched to 1 pood. I still struggle with DU's.

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