Team WOD
15 rounds for time, in two person teams:
10 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
10 Pull-ups
Only one person can be working out at a time, plus if you start the wall balls you have to also finish the pull-ups for that particular round before you can rotate. Each person can attempt and complete up to 3 rounds before having to rotate.
For example, partner A can start the wall balls but has to do the pull-ups as well. Upon completion of the pull-ups, partner A can then rotate to partner B or can complete up to two more rounds before it is mandated that he/she rotate with his/her partner.
Post time to comments.
Officer Pete Nordlund practicing his situp technique during a recent workout. This guy can rock it.
I scaled to med ball cleans and pullups with bands. Felt great to do some pullups for a change, and by "great" i mean "extremely weak."
PS- I got my first tear today on my last round of pullups! It's a good/bad feeling.
PPS- I hope you dotcommers made it through today's WOD. Sounded like crap! You're all awsome.