Saturday 090103

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


In teams of 4, 3 rounds for time of:
20 calorie row
30 Ball Slams
40 Jumping Pull-ups
50 Double Unders

Each team member will start at a different exercise and can only move on or rotate when all of the members have completed the required reps.

Post time to comments.

Petersen Halloween bonfire 2008

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7 Responses to "Saturday 090103"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Hills did a 1-on-1 with her sister here at CF Lexington! Looked rough, too:

    3 rds

    400m row
    20 wall balls
    20 pushups

    hills's time: 15:58! (She won!)

    I did:

    3 rds

    20 front squats (135#)
    10 lefty KB swings (1.5 pd)
    25m farmer's walk (2x1.5pd)
    30 back extensions
    25m farmer's walk


    KILLED my lower back.

    taking tomorrow off and back in CFO on Monday!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. we did:
    21-15-9-15-21 of
    burpee-into-jumping pullups
    wall balls #20
    dips(ended up doing strict dips on bars because rings were very hard)
    time: 32:00
  5. Kelli Says:
  6. ouch - this one was a burner for me. Great job to my teammates amanda, zack (h?), and josh k!!!!
  7. Brandon Says:
  8. Our team was awesomeness! This was fun, as Saturdays usually are. :-)
    I saw yesterdays comments, and I think a "Stink and Drink" would be friggin sweet!

    Group Time: 21:18 (I think)

  9. Donohoe Says:
  10. I think some one should trademark stink and drink, you could make yourself famous. I did the four rounds of med ball cleans x20, 15 knees to elbow,10 single arm snatches. 10.43 I had a band on the knees to elbows. I hope everyone had a great new years eve I am heading north for two weeks. So I will see everyone soon.
    Donohoe out.....
  11. BC Says:
  12. So we changed things up a bit for 10am. We had 2 teams of 5, each doing 2 rounds of: 10 double-pushup burpees, 20 cal row, 30 ball slams, 40 jumping pullups and 50 double unders. Team Red Dragons! was made up of Danielle, Nicky, Neil, Ron and yours truly, and we knocked it out in 19:28 (right?). This was a hard, but fun, workout, and I really enjoy these Saturday team WOD's. Great job everybody. I'm off to "fabulous" New Jersey next week for work, so see y'all next Saturday.
  13. JonD Says:
  14. Well did the main site workout from yesterday. This one was pretty tough. I got through 8 rounds and going back down through the workout was the most difficult. Well thats all i got and see yall monday have a good rest of the weekend.

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