In teams of 4, 3 rounds for time of:
20 calorie row
30 Ball Slams
40 Jumping Pull-ups
50 Double Unders
Each team member will start at a different exercise and can only move on or rotate when all of the members have completed the required reps.
Post time to comments.
Petersen Halloween bonfire 2008
3 rds
400m row
20 wall balls
20 pushups
hills's time: 15:58! (She won!)
I did:
3 rds
20 front squats (135#)
10 lefty KB swings (1.5 pd)
25m farmer's walk (2x1.5pd)
30 back extensions
25m farmer's walk
KILLED my lower back.
taking tomorrow off and back in CFO on Monday!
21-15-9-15-21 of
burpee-into-jumping pullups
wall balls #20
dips(ended up doing strict dips on bars because rings were very hard)
time: 32:00
I saw yesterdays comments, and I think a "Stink and Drink" would be friggin sweet!
Group Time: 21:18 (I think)
Donohoe out.....