Sunday 090104

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

10 rounds for time:
30 second elbow bridge
15 Situps

Post time to comments.

Dr. Mark McGuire showing full extension at the top of his swings.

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15 Responses to "Sunday 090104"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Happy Birthday Reba!!!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Thanks! My objective today is to try and move around a bit. "Linda" tore me up - - woke up yesterday and could barely stand up. Not a happy moment....

    Lindsay how you feeling???

    I will try and enjoy some of my nephew's birthday cake today as well - he turns 4!! :)
  5. Steve Says:
  6. Happy Birthday Reba!

    This WOD sneaks up on you around round 8. I also did Invisible Fran- my new favorite at home workout. Been experimenting with IF using weights from my scuba weight belt. 18lbs is too much, 2lbs not enough. 8lbs seems just right- the last 21 pushups were screaming.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Happy Birthday Reba!! Hope you feel better soon.

    I might try to get this one in today. It doesn't seem that bad...
  9. A Says:
  10. Happy Birthday Reba! I am glad you are starting to feel better. It's called the "3 bars of death" for a reason, eh? :-)

    Enjoy your day!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. happy birthday, reba!!

    angela..."it doesn't seem that bad..." it never always is!
  13. Cari Says:
  14. Happy Birthday Reba!!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. I know Kylie... I actually thought "famous last words...."
    Haven't done it yet though so there's a good chance I might just skip it
  17. Gdawg Says:

  19. JonD Says:
  20. Happy Birthday Reba
  21. Chad Says:
  22. Happy Birthday Reba
  23. paul Says:
  24. Happy Birthday, Linda, I mean, Reba!
  25. hannah eileen Says:
  26. Happy birthday Reba! Hope you are feeling better!
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. Definitely a Lazy Sunday for me :)
  29. Sprockets Says:
  30. 13:43
    Shakin' and a wigglin' towards the end.

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