Wednesday 081231

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


For time:
21 Pushups
3 Box Jumps, 24 inches
18 Pushups
6 Box Jumps, 24 inches
15 Pushups
9 Box Jumps, 24 inches
12 Pushups
12 Box Jumps, 24 inches
9 Pushups
15 Box Jumps, 24 inches
6 Pushups
18 Box Jumps, 24 inches
3 Pushups
21 Box Jumps, 24 inches

Post time to comments.

Remember this?

Handstand Pushup Challenge: 48 reps

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22 Responses to "Wednesday 081231"

  1. Jen Says:
  2. Yeah...that pale guy shouldn't take his shirt off or wear white shorts!
  3. Brandon Says:
  4. This WOD smoked my calves! Good times at the 6am class.

    As RX'd 5:29

  5. A Says:
  6. I miss UNO some days...good memories... Well, I will be gracing the noon class with my presence today - can't wait! :-)

    I want to wish everyone a safe and Happy New Year!
  7. kahrs Says:
  8. I think I actually remember this workout, was a team workout I think, it was pretty fun if I remember right.

    Pushups slowed me down the most, hit muscle fatigue and it is all downhill from there. I did really well with not taking long breaks though.
  9. linds Says:
  10. I remember that workout at UNO, good times!
    11:58 Rx'd Great job morning crew. Happy New Year to everyone!!
  11. John W Says:
  12. Happy New Year CFO! Wish I could be there to bring it in with you. I was finally able to do the same workout on the same day as everyone. However, due to the ill equipped gym I had to do box jumps on to a 32" back extension platform which was, needless to say, interesting. Push-ups slowed me down a bit too, but oh well.
    9:55 (32" "box")
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Oh the sweet old days of UNO, how I miss the parking :)

    I will have to make this one up at another time. All these holidays are getting in my way of working out.

    Hope everyone has a fun and safe New Years Eve!! Remember free taxi's 339-8294(TAXI) mention Hoffman O'Brien when calling.

    See you next year!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Oh the sweet old days of UNO, how I miss the parking :)

    I will have to make this one up at another time. All these holidays are getting in my way of working out.

    Hope everyone has a fun and safe New Years Eve!! Remember free taxi's 339-8294(TAXI) mention Hoffman O'Brien when calling.

    See you next year!
  17. Chad Says:
  18. DNF RX'd with 14 box jumps left.
  19. BC Says:
  20. 8:43 Rx'd which I would've been OK with had I not witnessed Ricky do this in 4:20-something before the noon class. And that included him stopping for a moment to re-tie his shoe. Nice. What planet are you from Rick, and did it explode or are you just here for the hell of it? Nice job nooners, and everyone have a fun and safe New Year's.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. FYI, CrossFit Camp Pendlton has a picture of Libby doing the run at the 2008 games.
  23. JonD Says:
  24. Well did yesterdays workout and my legs are tired. It was fun and wierd doing it alone in the gym. I got it done in 15:30. I will do todays tomorrow, trying to catch up.

    Great work everyone at noon, everyone putting in hard work and its showing in the improvments people are making. Well have a safe and fun new years and see yall friday.
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. Happy Early New Year everyone! Be safe & have fun! See ya'll next year.
  27. paul Says:
  28. Happy New Year, Crew! Be safe!

    I went to CrossFit Lexington's HUGE facility today.

    5 rds

    400m row
    25m tire flips (200# tire)
    25m lunges


    tire flips were a blast from the past--i miss those! the 200# tire was way lighter than the UNO ones, though.
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. DNF in time, but I did finish it out. The pushups (knees) felt pretty good but I spent to much time dancing and not enough time just jumping. They're getting better but are still my "Frienemy"! Have a GRRRRREAT New Years and be safe!

    VD (amanda)
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. same rep scheme but i did pull ups and air squats instead since i cant jump on a box with my foot just yet fineshed in 8:39 HAPPY NEW YEAR =) see yall on friday
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. paul, i agree, i miss the tires:( although i do not miss all of the equipment getting in the way of us working out- i love how the new facility is open and we have room to do everything! anyway, i took today off secondary to laziness. happy new year!!! miss you all!!
  35. hannah eileen Says:
  36. Great job 5pm crew. I love seeing the energy and cheering from everyone.
    Finished in 11:30ish. Those pushups kicked my ass.
    Have a safe and happy New Year! Can't wait to see everyone (and pictures) in the new year...:)
  37. Gdawg Says:
  38. 12:12....congrats dan on kicking my ass! i thought pushups would be horrible for me, but i broke them up and it wasn't as ugly as i thought it was going to be! box jumps though after doin the 150 wall ball workout and then yesterdays workout...OUCH! great job everyone, thanks for the encouragement, have a fun and safe night!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. So I'm in week 2 of coming to classes and feel like the soreness will never go away. I did modified pushups with a purple band for the first 2 sets and then the beige band for the last bunch. I also used a weight to shorten the height for the box jumps. It'll be great when I can get to doing things as RX'd. Great job 5 PM crew. You guys make me want to work harder!
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. 11:02. This was the first time I did pushups with out knees! Fun work out. The noon was class was very motivating! Happy New Year!
  43. Sprockets Says:
  44. 16:14
    I can do better.

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