Tuesday 081230

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Four rounds for time:
20 pound Medicine Ball Cleans, 20 reps
15 Knees to Elbows
45 pound One-arm DB Snatch, right arm, 10 reps
45 pound One-arm DB Snatch, left arm, 10 reps

Post time to comments.

Tim Nass has struggled with some flexibility but his consistency of making it to the gym has really paid off in the last few weeks. He's kicking that in-flexibility to the curb. Keep working.

Handstand Pushup Challenge: 47 reps

New Year's Schedule is as follows: We will hold classes at 6AM, 12PM, and 5PM on New Year's Eve, be closed on New Year's Day, and return to normal scheduling Friday. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause anyone. 

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12 Responses to "Tuesday 081230"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Whats up 6:30??? No comments WHAT WHAT!!
  3. linds Says:
  4. Rx'd 20:20, long workout this morning. Great job morning crew! Danielle, its 6am, I wish it was 6:30am.
  5. JonD Says:
  6. Well cant make this one today. Nursing a foot injury due to soccer last night. Hopefully be back tomorrow. Hopefully nothin is broke. Well have fun with this one and talk to yall soon. Peace
  7. hannah eileen Says:
  8. I am pretty sure I finished in 18:46...or 26. I don't know. I don't really listen to words after a workout like that. I really enjoyed this workout. It kicked my ass and I loved every minute of it. (There might have been a little cussing throughout contradicting that, though)
    Great job this morning, 6ers! You guys kick ass! Such an inspiration.
  9. Brandon Says:
  10. As RX'd 16:54
    Nasty! :-)

  11. BC Says:
  12. 19:16 Rx'd. I'm really starting to feel the effects of all the bad holiday food, the extra days off, the lack of sleep and the over-indulgence in "holiday cheer" during the last couple of weeks. It's been a great holiday season but I'll be glad when it's all over and things can get back to normal. Nice job noon class.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. day 2 at crossfit springfield:
    AMR in 20 minutes of
    5 thrusters #75
    7 power cleans #75
    10 push-presses #75

    i finished 6 rounds right before the buzzer. another rough workout, but the thrusters actually felt pretty good. they're being good to me!!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. 19:28.... not too happy about my time on this one but WODs like this are a big weakness of mine. The high rep squats get me every time.

    Great effort tonight at 5:30!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. 10:19.... right?
    This was a tough one. Stacie and Alison I would not have gone nearly as fast if it weren't for the two of you. Thanks
    Great job to everyone! Kersten way to finish!
  19. Gdawg Says:
  20. 16:18 Rx'd...however some KTE might have been more like knees to armpit...that was WAY tougher than I thought...although the 150 wall ball workout seemed to take a lot longer when it was actually about half the time of todays workout! great job 6:30 class as always :-)

  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. 19:14 Rx'd.
    630 rocked it tonight!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. I'm retarded!
    15 something was my time.

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