150 Wall Ball Shots for time (20#/14#)
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Reminder: There will only be classes offered at 6 AM and 12 noon. On Friday, class times will be 4:30 and 5:30 PM.
A much clearer picture of Greg doing some swings and with a heavier bell at that. Come a long way since he first started.
Handstand Pushup Challenge: 41 reps
If you are interested in attending the New Year's Bash at the Paxton, thrown by Blas Hilario, please let me know by Friday, the 26th. You can email, call, or tell me in person. Remember, free beer, wine, and appetizers all night.
Awesome job today morning crew.
Burpee-Clean-Wall Balls
Jeff called it Christmas Eve "Crush". Happy Holidays everyone.
As RX'd 8:02
150 no-pushup burpee jumping bowling ball cleans (16#).
in other words, a no-pushup burpee, cleaning the bowling ball on the way up, and jumping with it after the clean.
19:06 of misery. i feel weak.
VD (Amanda)
I finished in 8:03. I am a little disappointed because I set out to beat Zack. O well, breaking them up just wastes time...and I did a lot.
Happy Holidays to you and yours and safe travels to those who need it! See ya'll Saturday.
Went to the nooner and that was a huge class. Jeremy and Joe nice to meet ya and great work today. Everyone else put up some good numbers and I can see form getting better on everyones WB's. Well I got bored so great work and see yall soon.