Wednesday 081217

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Rounds in 20 minutes
7 Pull-ups
7 Kettlebell Swings
7 Burpees

Post rounds to comments.

Another new athlete that I want everyone to introduce themselves is Ryan Evans. Hard working fellow who is learning the ropes. Make him feel welcome.

Handstand Pushup Challenge: 34 reps

An excerpt about rounds in twenty minute workouts taken from an article written by Greg Glassman on A Thoeretical Template for CrossFit's Programming - February 2003

"We say these workouts are "time priority" because the athlete is kept moving for a specified time and the goal is to complete as many cycles as possible. The elements are chosen in order to provide a challenge that manifest only through repeated cycles. Ideally, the elements chosen are not significant outside of the blistering pace required to maximize rotations completed within the time (typically 20 minutes) allotted. This is in stark contrast to the two element days where the elements are of a much higher intensity. This workout is tough, extremely tough, but MANAGING WORK-REST INTERVALS IS A MARGINAL FACTOR."

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21 Responses to "Wednesday 081217"

  1. paul Says:
  2. oh man! i wish i could do this one.
  3. Addi Says:
  4. Assuming it doesn't take me 90 minutes to get home from work again today, I'll try to drag my sorry ass in. But this isn't a very motivating WOD. :) AMRAP is my mortal enemy.
  5. paul Says:
  6. Got up at 5:20 and my legs were so sore I figured I should take a rest day. I'll be in tomorrow.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. This one is sure to force a rest day for me. Sunday's with the shoulder burn, then Monday I did the heavy back squats, then yesterday w/ heavy thrusters - my legs/shoulders are due for a rest. However, I cannot pass this one up bc of my distaste for burpees.....and the only way to get better is to do them.

    So see you all later.

    Addi - what is that old saying about "keeping your friends close, but your enemies closer" ;)
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. I finished 13 full rounds. I tore my hands (both) in the 9th round. It was brutal... I loved it!!
    I skipped HSPU's though.
  11. Donohoe Says:
  12. Attention this is a lotta work remember to set a pace and commit to it. I did 7.75 rounds not as many as I thought I would complete. I scaled all my pull ups with a blue band. I was happy about the fact I did not break up any of the reps. I used a 2 pod kettle bell that got kinda heavy.
    I hope everyone tries this workout it is a good mental challenge.
    Donohoe out......
  13. linds Says:
  14. I completed 11 rounds and 4 KB swings. Good workout this morning.
  15. paul Says:
  16. Ang, you are incredible!
  17. paul Says:
  18. I was going stir crazy, so I did a little WOD: 10 rds

    5 pushups
    10 squats
    15 situps

  19. A Says:
  20. This was a fun one. Got through 18 full rounds, and had burpees remaining on round 19. Good times. Ang, I also skipped HSPUs. May still do them tonight, but it's unlikely. Going to run now. Got to get this lazy-a$$, that's tired of being sick, in shape again. :-)
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. 10 rounds + 2 KB swings. this didnt go as well as i had hoped but i guess that just means i have that much more room for improvment, expecially when it comes to "work rest intervals"! Great job 5:30!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. This was a beast of a workout and very challenging mentally. Finished 13 full rounds and then the pullups & swings of round 14.
  25. Brandon Says:
  26. Very tough WOD physically and mentally. Great combination though.

    AMRAP in 20min of:
    7 Pullups
    7 KB Swings 2 pood
    7 Burpees
    Completed 13 rounds... a sweaty 13.

  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. couldnt make it in today due to this mean lady when i was buying all season tires i had to wait forever i know lame excuse ill make it up on friday god still have HSPU to do ughhh
  29. Gdawg Says:
  30. did 9 band for pullups...this workout was "fun"....the most "fun" part was when Ricky decided to chow down on a nasty wendy's sandwich on about the 6th round...the WORST smell EVER during a workout!!! YUCK! great job 6:30!!

  31. Cari Says:
  32. Finished 8 rounds w/ a 1 pood kb and a green band on pullups; I think the motion of kipping pullups made more sense after tonight; thanks Ricky!
  33. A Says:
  34. This comment has been removed by the author.
  35. A Says:
  36. Oh, and FYI - only used 1 pood. picked up the 2 pood and laughed. So yeah. Quick rounds, little weight. That's how I roll. :-)
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. I went with the 2 pood KB and finished 12 rounds and then 7 pull-ups on round 13. I tried to stick to a strict work-rest regimen but I ended up taking some longer breaks than I wanted. Tough WOD, but I really liked this one.

    Also, Nick, it was great working out with you again. Hopefully you can come by again sometime soon.
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. Yeah welcome back Nick..hopefully you can make it in more! It didn't seem like all your time away didn't affected your work-outs.

    I got done with 11 rounds and my mental goal was 11 so yeah me.
    Have fun making this one up Reba!
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. I completed 10 rounds 7 pullups and 1 kb swing. I used the tan band for my pull ups. Great work out.

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