Rounds in 20 minutes
7 Pull-ups
7 Kettlebell Swings
7 Burpees
Post rounds to comments.
Another new athlete that I want everyone to introduce themselves is Ryan Evans. Hard working fellow who is learning the ropes. Make him feel welcome.
Handstand Pushup Challenge: 34 reps
An excerpt about rounds in twenty minute workouts taken from an article written by Greg Glassman on A Thoeretical Template for CrossFit's Programming - February 2003
"We say these workouts are "time priority" because the athlete is kept moving for a specified time and the goal is to complete as many cycles as possible. The elements are chosen in order to provide a challenge that manifest only through repeated cycles. Ideally, the elements chosen are not significant outside of the blistering pace required to maximize rotations completed within the time (typically 20 minutes) allotted. This is in stark contrast to the two element days where the elements are of a much higher intensity. This workout is tough, extremely tough, but MANAGING WORK-REST INTERVALS IS A MARGINAL FACTOR."
So see you all later.
Addi - what is that old saying about "keeping your friends close, but your enemies closer" ;)
I skipped HSPU's though.
I hope everyone tries this workout it is a good mental challenge.
Donohoe out......
5 pushups
10 squats
15 situps
AMRAP in 20min of:
7 Pullups
7 KB Swings 2 pood
7 Burpees
Completed 13 rounds... a sweaty 13.
Also, Nick, it was great working out with you again. Hopefully you can come by again sometime soon.
I got done with 11 rounds and my mental goal was 11 so yeah me.
Have fun making this one up Reba!