Thursday 081218

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Team "Annie"
100-80-60-40-20 reps for time of:
Double Unders

Here's the twist, whoever goes first sets the reps for the partner. The reps are determined by how many consecutive double unders or situps the first athlete gets. If athlete A gets 30 double unders in a row, then athlete B has to do 30 double unders. If athlete A messes up and only gets 5 du's then they must immediately give the rope to athlete B so that they can do their 5. 

Partner's reps do not have to be consecutive for either the double unders or situps. They only have to match the reps. The second athlete also can not do more than what the first athlete did consecutively. 

Each team gets one jump rope and one abmat.

Final twist, Joe and I pick teams.

Post time to comments.

Kylie Ludemann showing us how to land on the box. Monster athlete.

Handstand Pushup Challenge: 35 reps (side note: if there is pressing of any kind in the wod, skip the handstands)

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12 Responses to "Thursday 081218"

  1. Brandon Says:
  2. I know it's silly, but I really like the structure of this WOD. I especially like the fact that Ricky and Joe are going to pick the teams. This is going to be fun! :-)

  3. BC Says:
  4. This WOD has more twists than an M. Night Shamaylan movie. I see tired people.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. One jump rope?!?!?! What is teammates are different heights.... This is risky.
  7. kahrs Says:
  8. Worked with Nicole, we finished in 18:10 I think. I would say she pretty much carried us with double unders, I need to figure these out.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Well everybody. I might have broken my foot this morning playing basketball. So i wont be able to workout for awhile. hopefully its not broken and it gets better by next week. maaaaan =(
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. I teamed up with B Christ and we pounded this one in 10:17. Awesome work Brian and welcome back to 5:30, at least for a day...
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Kylie Roe and I kicked this WOD's ass! Neither one of us broke up any of the reps of DU's or sit-ups. We finished in 9:02. Thanks Kylie!
  15. Gdawg Says:
  16. nice job everyone!! I skipped because I had some studying to do tonight...and the weather was too shitty!! be safe on the roads tomorrow people!!

  17. Brandon Says:
  18. As RX'd 9:59
    I think I might have went faster if Allison wasn't beating me and screaming about how slow I am. I may have to wear make-up to cover my black eye. This was a lot of fun! ;-)

  19. BC Says:
  20. Like Mark said our time was 10:17 which I think is pretty good. It would've looked even better if it wasn't for that damn Angela and Kylie. It was good seeing the 5:30 crew again, nice job folks.
  21. A Says:
  22. Brandon is the best partner ever! :-) I only had to hit him with the rope a few times, when he was slacking during situps. Great job 6:30 - way to brave the weather. Hope everyone drove safely!
  23. hannah eileen Says:
  24. Late post, but I worked out with Pete for this workout. It was fun. I got 38 in a row of DU's which was an all time high for me by 13. I was so excited. Pete was a great partner and will do really well here at CFO. We finished in 12:57.

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