Tuesday 081216

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

5 rounds for time
10 Thrusters, 110 pounds
20 pound Ball Slams, 25 reps

Post time to comments.

If you get the chance and if you haven't already done so, please introduce yourself to Clint Pritchard. 

Handstand Pushup Challenge: 33 reps

A reminder that the Holiday Party is this weekend on Saturday night, December 20th starting at 8:30 PM. You must wear the the best sweater you can find and by best I mean U-G-L-Y. 

You must also bring some food as this party is a pot-luck. I would encourage it to be homeade food but I guess I realized that not everyone is good in a kitchen. Do your best and that'll do. 

I talked to some people and since the weather will be cold, if you have any plate warmers or extra crock pots, anything to keep food warm, please bring them. 

We'll also be decorating after classes on Saturday, so if you have the spare time and would like to help, Joe and I would greatly appreciate it. We have extreme cases of ADD and obviously nothing would get done if it were just us decorating. Hope to see you there.

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19 Responses to "Tuesday 081216"

  1. Steve Says:
  2. If anyone knows a good source for an ugly sweater, please let me know. My wardrobe is lacking in the sweater department.
  3. paul Says:
  4. 10:45 with 155# front squats instead of thrusters. Pretty tough!

    Great work, 6am gangstas! B-Christ, way to push through that last set of thrusters!
  5. BC Says:
  6. DNF. I decided to go Rx'd even though that may have been just a bit too heavy. But like Ricky says "heavy makes you shave twice a day" and I need to get stronger, and that means going heavy and focusing slightly less on time. It was close, I only had my last set of ball slams left when time ran out. But even with the DNF I'm glad I decided to go heavy, and I actually got a closer to finishing than I thought I would. Thanks Paul. Great work 6am...and where the hell did this snow come from?!? Should be a good day for you Greg P!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. The salvation army or goodwill ususally have pleanty of sweaters although it might be slim pickins now since we're nearing the end of prime time ugly sweater party season. but just remember steve, some of the "best" ones are always homemade!

  9. linds Says:
  10. 10:33 with 63#, I decided to stay with that weight to keep good form throughout. great job morning crew!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. 14:42 Rx #77- need to really work on the flexibility with thrusters- i look like i'm falling forward everytime

    Great job nooners! Wow, that was a big group!
  13. John W Says:
  14. Wow this one was a burner. Thrusters always seem to get me.
    12:00 Rx'd
    I had a final this morning and instead went to the noon class. What a turnout there. Awesome job nooners!
    This one will hurt all day.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. yea def not gonna be able to make it to this one today. i pretty much have racing tires on my car still i had quite an adventure trying to get my car to base and then to the dorms. hopefully ill see you guys tomorrow. :)
  17. Chad Says:
  18. I'm not going to make it tonight. I'm stuck working late again.
  19. hannah eileen Says:
  20. Nooners show some amazing effort! Way to be, Alan! You rocked it.
    I am with BChrist, I didn't want to go heavy, but did. I went rx'd and finished in 13:32. It was a killer workout and my lungs are still burning a little.
    Drive carefully, people. It's getting yucky out.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. wow, my laziness is kicking in & my excuse tonight was the weather. So, my WOD for the day was:

    Shoveling! Not sure what time i finished in!! LOL! (But i did scale with "help" from Damian and the neighbor boy)

    Hope everyone drives carefully!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. 13:03 at 85#
    This one sucked. Ladies at 5:30 did awesome!
    And I was really looking forward to shoveling tonight but when I got home someone had done it for me... damn! :)
  25. Kelli Says:
  26. ugh...i had to shovel when I got home -- and with the random cramping in my arms/legs it wasn't fun! DNF for me on this one --Rx'ed. Got through 4 thrusters in the last round. I ended up finishing it out though...wanted to work on my thruster technique. Not sure if my legs/arms will work tomorrow...
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. I finished in 8:34 and was really excited until Ricky told me that Greg M's punk @$$ might have finished in 8:28. At that point I was wishing that I had taken one or two less breathers. Anyway, I also shoveled snow when I got home. What a workout. I need to invest in a snow blower.
  29. Brandon Says:
  30. Holy shizzle! I should've eaten something earlier. Good WOD, definitely a killer.

    As RX'd 10:15

  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. well brandon saw my blog and came and picked me up. 14:32 as RX'd im still not feeling very good at all but i managed to bearly finish in time. hopefully ill be able to make tomorrow. dam# snow and track tires ughhh
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. This was really tough but I like doing heavy thrusters so my next Fran time will be sub 5 minutes... hopefully.

    Rx'd today's in 14:06
  35. Cari Says:
  36. Used 53# and had 7 ball slams to go at the 16 min cutoff ... lame; for sure should have pushed harder to finish in time. Great job to everyone at 6:30!
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. Rx'd 77# in 15:38 so just under the wire. My form felt good on the thrusters today, so that's good I guess! Nice work warrior (Nicole) @ 5:30 you really pushed yourself today!! Everyone looked great at the 5:30 and 6:30 classes!

    I won't be at the party this weekend...I want to hear all the stories.

    Crystal next time you need help shoveling let me know, I have a shovel....can you dig it :)

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