Friday 081219

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Rest Day

Who else wants to go from CrossFit Omaha?

Handstand Pushup Challenge: 36 reps

Weather Permitting: Our schedule will follow that of the Omaha Public Schools weather advisory. If OPS cancels school so will CrossFit Omaha. Keep an eye on the blog as we may hold a single class at either noon or 5:30, or both, depending on the weather.

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16 Responses to "Friday 081219"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I am gonna hope for a noon class time :) I bet those kids are all excited about delayed starts! ha!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. I'd be up for a noon class too!!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. We will have to check back at like 11ish and see if they are doing a noon class or not.....looks like all the schools cancelled. What a bunch of sissies.....
  7. linds Says:
  8. I will be there for a noon class!
  9. Mel C Says:
  10. I can't make it to noon so I can't work out if there isn't a 5:30! Blah!!!! And I'm so going to the 2009 Crossfit games even though I wont be competing...I can't get enough!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. 1230 it is...i am going to come in for the 20 min torture session i missed.......
  13. A Says:
  14. Alright. I'm trying for 5:30, I think. See you suckers later. :-)
  15. paul Says:
  16. Looks like i won't make it in before I take off today. Happy Holidays, everyone! I hate to miss the party, but it may be the best thing for my liver anyway. I'm looking forward to the first party of 2009...

    No official WOD today, but I got a pretty good workout out of my driveway. My new ice-chipping stance is a deep squat. The neighbors think I'm crazy, but what do they know about general physical preparedness!?
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Sweet Baby Jesus, I am so excited for the rest day!!! You can bet your sweet arse that I will NOT be at any class regardless of time!!

    Have fun at the sweater party this weekend...lots of pictures please.

    I would like to watch/cheer on the CFO at the games this year. My motto is if you cant be an athlete, be an athletic supporter (hahaha) I love Grease!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. paul, you make me laugh! but way to keep the form in real-world cross-fit applications!

    i went up to the old st. mary's high school gym today in o'neill, NE to complete a workout. little did i know that they were trying to melt me out of the place with the heat blazing at like 80 degrees. killed me! anyway, i did:

    12-10-8-6-4-2 of #65
    OH squats
    squat cleans

    we won't talk about time. i took some breaks...then got through some HSPUs and worked on a few pull-ups.
  21. BC Says:
  22. Remeber when we first moved in to the new gym. In August. It was so hot you would sweat just walking from your car. That was nice, I miss that.

    I'm going to try to make it in at 5:30.

    Danielle, a hickey from Kinnicky is like a hallmark card...
  23. paul Says:
  24. That's a pretty crazy WOD, Kylie!
  25. kahrs Says:
  26. Went in at 12:30 did

    3 Rounds
    10 Walking Lunges
    10 Almost Hip High Box Jumps
    Both with 20 # DB's

    Would have been better at 5 rounds a little shorter with more weight.

    There were a lot of different workouts going on and Reba take care of that hand, that is gonna suck for a while.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. Going to enjoy today's rest day. My triceps are on fire! Did my highest reps of DU's yesterday. 15!!
  29. kahrs Says:
  30. Nicole don't sell yourself short you did 17 DU's yesterday, at least that is what you said when it was my turn to do them.
  31. kahrs Says:
  32. I just found out there are now two Nicoles, oops.

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