Nov 2008

Friday 081121

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Rest Day.

Enjoy this cool video on Olympic Weightlifting.

Handstand Pushup Challenge: 8 reps, or buy in for 36

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10 Responses to "Friday 081121"

  1. Mel C Says:
  2. Simon, the guy in the white shirt towards the end of the video reminds me of you during open gym that one day! I come for deadlifts.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Joe had Paul and I do a workout that "will make me grow balls".... it didn't. But it was hard. We did:
    Back Squats (142)
    Box Jumps (22 in)
    Nice work Paul. I like that we are working out together on rest days now.
  5. paul Says:
  6. I know, Ang! It's great having you push me. I did the same as above but with 235# squats (I thought it was 225 at first, but i screwed up).


    i also made a bid for the 500m row club, but missed by 3 seconds. i have a bruise on my stomach now from hitting it with the row handle.
  7. Cari Says:
  8. Did a previous wod "100 Perfect Pushups" ... mine weren't so perfect but I did the first 50 w/ the purple band and the 2nd 50 w/ the tan band and rowed 200s in between; ended up rowing 9 times and my time was 24:20. I'm in a wedding tomorrow so won't be in to workout; have a great weekend!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. well missed yesterdays workout and ill be missing this weekends too. Since im at my parents house in wichita falls getting my car. But i might get a chance to workout with mark ripptoe sweeeeet haha
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. I worked on box jumps today. I started w/ red, blue, yellow and green plates jumping onto a box. I was able to get down to just a red plate thanks to Ricky. I still have to gain some mental toughness with these, but I deffinetly made progress today. Thanks for pushing!

  13. Mel C Says:
  14. I went in at 6am to do Max Weight Dead Lifts that I missed from Tuesday and surprised myself a little...188 lbs. I said I wanted to hit atleast 150 since these are one of my weakest...if not the #1 weakness of mine! Next time I hope to shoot for 200+!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Have to save this for future reference.... Brand New Personal Record "Fran"

    No scaling and no rep break-up...


    If I can get the butterfly kip down I know I can break 2:30

    Justin VanBeek
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Today I joined the 30 consecutive pull-ups club and the 100 burpee club with a time of 6:34. Thanks Zach for keeping our time and encouraging us on. And thanks Ben for doing it with me.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. I did yesterdays WOD- 150 ball slams 5:52


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