Nov 2008

Saturday 081122

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


21-15-9 reps for time:
Thrusters (95/65)

You could do Fran and substitute pull-ups instead of burpees and get into the Fran club.

Post time to comments.

Locking out overhead for ball slams. Good work people.

Handstand Pushup Challenge: 9 reps, or buy in for 45

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16 Responses to "Saturday 081122"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. Whatever Josh and Kylie are telling you right now at the 9:00 class is a lie. My shoulder and now my back are ensuring a slow and painful demise.. my only option for recovery is to be a lazy pile and to self-medicate with wine and shitty food until I can get to the chiropractor next week. I swear. Otherwise I may die.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Addi you should write a book - you are so descriptive :)

    I did the OH squats 5 sets of 3 last night - didn't try and max out - went out up 95lbs and moved on to the 150 BALL SLAMS!!

    It was DUAL between my husband and myself. Reba was in the lead until her plug came out of her ball and she had to stop momentarily to replug it. It cost her the match or Neil was just that much quicker.

    Reba 5:35 16 lb ball
    Neil 5:21 20 lb ball

    and muscle up match

    Neil - 2 muscle up
    Reba - not quite

    dangit why did I bring him into CF?? Now he bests me everytime..I think I need some red bull.
  5. Melissa B Says:
  6. this is like 2 minutes slower than my best Fran but I'm happy that I finished after taking so much time off
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. 6:48 - I did Fran as well and PR'd by almost 3 minutes. However, the last time I did prescribed Fran we were still at UNO. Next time I am shooting for under 5 minutes.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. did the burpees today, 8:29 i think? and 58# on thrusters. Great job today everyone, have a good weekend!

  11. hannah eileen Says:
  12. Mark and John, you rocked it today! As well as the whole crew at 9 & 10. (I couldnt stay to see the 11 crew tear it up.)
    Today was the first time I did Fran rx'd. I am a little disappointed in myself because I could have finished under 9 if I wouldn't have run to spit out my gum and fail on the 9th pullup 3 times. O well...only up from here, right?
  13. paul Says:
  14. Nice job on Fran and the equally sinister burpee version. I don't know which would hurt more. I know my right arm would fall off if I tried to do either.

    I did 21-15-9
    135# front squats
    hip extensions


    felt surprisingly good, even though I did heavy squats yesterday. i probably won't be able to walk tomorrow, though...
  15. BC Says:
  16. I went with Fran, 9:48 Rx'd. The last time I did Fran was back in June and it was scaled to 75# and jumping pullups, and my time was just over 12 minutes, so I'm pretty pleased with the progress I've made. Great job 10am crew! Have a great weekend crackas.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. I would like to give Fran another whirl when I don't feel like throwing before the wod starts. It didn't feel pretty, but Ricky didn't give us any other appealing options.......

    5:57 Rex'd
    9 HSPU

    Nice work to Vanessa who got her kipping pullups with the band this morning :)

    Crystal still amazes me at what she does. I think she is the ONLY pregnant friend I have ever had that actually kept working out during her pregnancy! That is awesome :)

    Nice to see some old faces - Mel and Alex :)
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. ok that typo error is "throwing up" before the wod starts....
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. I went with Fran at 88# in 12:16. Last time I did it was at 75#. I did the 21 pullups in a row and then the last 9 in a row. So I am pretty pleased.

    Good turnout and great job at 9am.
  23. John W Says:
  24. Thanks Hannah, way to go this morning! Nice job to everyone, there were some solid efforts this morning.
    Fran Rx'd 4:55 (98# Thusters)
    I couldn't stand for alomst 10 minutes after without feeling like I was going to throw up and my hand didn't stop shaking for a while after either. Signs of a good workout I guess.
  25. JonD Says:
  26. Fran was getting used and abused today so I decided to give her a rest and went for another fun workout.

    Well Im not a Poodle no mo (but i still crush a lot)

    1000m row
    25 Burpees


    I was pleased with this one but my shoulders and back are on FIRE! Well everyone great to see all of you have a great weekend.
  27. linds Says:
  28. This was the first time I did Fran Rx'd and since June, I was a little nervous.
    8:32 Rx'd
    I need to work on my kipping pull-ups.
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. I'm so bummed I missed Fran! I have been wondering what my time looks like. Hopefully I'm not the only one who missed it and we can make it up on a rest day. Sounds like everyone did a great job.
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. Fran Rx'd 9:42. Hoping for better next time. I'm pretty sure thus is the first time doing it Rx'd so I think that's good.

    Does anyone know the exact date we did Fran last, I can go back and check my progress, thankß

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