Nov 2008

Thursday 081120

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

For time:
150 Ball Slams (20/14)

10 minute time limit.

Post time to comments.

The Tecate Bandit strikes again. (I had to do it.) Give me your best caption and win a free shirt.

Congratulations to the newest members of the newly formed 400/250 Dead-lift Club. It is a prestigious club that I hope all aspire to become a member of. Stay tuned for the addition of more clubs, including skill, strength, and benchmark achievements.

400 Club
Greg Morales
Paul Audi
Neil Wattier
Jeff Shannon
Ron Jenkins
Tony Espejo
Mark Petersen
Zach Ries

250 Club
Lindsey Herrera
Angela Lefler
Danielle Ostronic
Addi Kahrs
Kylie Ludemann
Kylie Roe
Megan Guthmiller
Kat Anderson

Handstand Pushup Challenge: 7 reps, or buy in for 28

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29 Responses to "Thursday 081120"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Awesome work everyone! Not just the clubbers, either--I just love belonging to a gym where everyone deadlifts, no matter what weight.
  3. JonD Says:
  4. Heres a caption that pretty much describes that picture.


    Looks like some serious weight was thrown around today, too bad i missed it. Ill see yall soon hopefully
  5. Brandon Says:
  6. Caption: "The Seven-Eleven never knew what hit it"

  7. BC Says:
  8. "HELLO! My name is Enigo Montoya..."
  9. hannah eileen Says:
  10. i got up to 87# 2x before falling on my ass with oh squats. then... the 150 ball slams finished in 7:06. i was irritated. i apparently didnt want under 7 badly enough. damn. great job to everyone this morning! i just want to get my name on that damn board!
  11. kahrs Says:
  12. Finished somewhere around 7:20, finally starting to get over what ever Addi infected me with. Hopefully back to normal by the weekend.
  13. Cari Says:
  14. Only got to 43# on oh squats. Finished the workout in 8:51.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Looks like people are putting in alot of hard work. I cant wait to come back and start working out again.

  17. John W Says:
  18. 115 OHS
    4:47 Rx'd
    Awesome atmosphere at the gym this morning! Great work everyone and congrats to all those who are now in a club!
  19. linds Says:
  20. 87# on OH squats
    6:56 with a 16# ball
    Great job morning crew!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. "... that's where that cape came from..."
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Fianlly a WOD i don't have to scale!!! Who knew that could be so exciting! LOL

    congrats to those who made the 400 & 250 club, especially the ladies. you all rock & i'm jelous!

    See ya at 6:30
  25. Gdawg Says:
  26. yellow plates for OH squats and 6:20 for the WOD. good work today noon was a fun one!!

  27. paul Says:
  28. "You said put on a mask, boss."
    "For a bank job, Louie, not fantasy porn!"

    (over the line?)
  29. Addi Says:
  30. Holy crap, that's hilarious, Paul. Not even going to try to top that.
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. Stuck with the 33# bar for OH Squats and did the WOD in 8:24 with the 16# ball.
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. I worked up to 137 lbs x 3 for the OH squats and did the ball slams in 5:28. My biceps feel like I just did 150 curls...
  35. BC Says:
  36. 5:43 rx'd on the ball slams, 120X2 for the OH squats. I attempted to become the first person in the 500m row in 1:25 club, but only made it 445m. Next time.
  37. Chad Says:
  38. 110x2 on the overhead squats. DNF on the slams.
  39. ZachR Says:
  40. worked up to 154 on the OH squats for 5 reps. Did today's workout in 4:21 Rx'd.
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. I suck @ OHS, got to 68. Did ball slams in 6:16 with 16# ball.
  43. Steve Says:
  44. Joe-
    Thanks for coming up with a tailored workout for me while still letting me play with the group.
  45. Addi Says:
  46. OHS = unhappy shoulder... did greens on the less girthy bar (76#?)for a couple sets, then dropped back down to training plates (#53) to save myself.

    I really liked this workout - 6:09. I could have gone under 6 with shorter breaks - definitely could have shaved a few seconds on #100-125 as well... underestimated how much steam I had left.
  47. Anonymous Says:
  48. 8:36 as rx'd. It's been a long time since I have actually made the cutoff time. Woo hoo!! Way to go 6:30.
  49. Sprockets Says:
  50. Thud! 9:05, I think that was the first timed event that I did not get the gong.
  51. Mel C Says:
  52. I royally sucked a** at the ball slams. And of course I did the WOD with Ricky and ZachR who made it look easy. 9:53 prescribed but hey...under 10 isn't bad I guess! I'm making up deadlifts tomorrow...we'll see how that goes!
  53. Anonymous Says:
  54. 87# OHS
    6:42 on ball slams
  55. Anonymous Says:
  56. "Which helmet do you like best the one on my head or in the spandex"

    DJ Roshone
  57. hannah eileen Says:
  58. by the way, mel c's time was 9:38. Even better, lady!

Thanks For Visiting!