Wednesday 080813

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Rest Day.

The doors to fitness! Don't be afraid to walk in and see what's going on. You may just like what you see.

Hollow Rock, Jeff Tucker - video [wmv] [mov] (courtesy of CFHQ)

We are hosting a Friday night social to comemerate the first week of the new gym. We will be grilling out and enjoying some adult kool-aid. Everyone is invited (as well as significant others) and we encourage all members to show up and have a good time, that's an order. It will be a B.Y.O.B. as well as B.Y.O.M. (meat for grilling as well as anything else you would like to contribute). Show starts immediately after 6:30 class. Hope to see you there.

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14 Responses to "Wednesday 080813"

  1. kahrs Says:
  2. I won't be able to make the Friday night social, I am headed to Colorado for a weekend of mountain biking. Hope you guys have fun.
  3. Cari Says:
  4. As many rounds as possible in 10 mins of:
    5 KB swings (1 pood for the 1st round and switched to trainer for the rest)
    8 Wall balls (12#)
    15 Ball slams (12#)
    -Got through 4 rounds+5 swings+8 wallballs+7 slams
    Worked on running form at the end; thanks for your help Joe!!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. First chance to see the inside of the new place. It's amazing. It embodies everything that Crossfit is about. What Joe and Ricky are doing is amazing and they are just getting started.
    AMRAP in 7 min
    5KB swings 1.5 pood
    10 Wall balls with Dyna balls
    15 Ball slams 16#
    I got three rounds done. I love the Fish Game. It was a nice twist to throw in and gets your mind off what you are really doing. If the Nintendo Wii was more like that, then there would be no question of benefit for our kids. I scored 660, but you think with a name like Gill I should have scored higher in a fish game. If you missed the Fish Game then you should have been there. I see a future challenge in the works. Way to go nooners.
  7. Addi Says:
  8. I lost track of the rounds, but I was just a little behind Kylie... Finished the wall balls of whichever round it was - 5? Sounds about right...

    Scored 945 on Fish. It took me a while to figure it out - super fun.
  9. paul Says:
  10. I did AMRAP in 10 of:

    5 back squats (185#)
    10 broad jumps
    15 ball slams (8#)

    got 5 and then quit, at 9:34
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Great job NOONERS! I had fun with the Fish game....even though my poor little fish was eating over a dozen time. I love the new atmosphere! It's great!
    I can't make Friday--I will be working but feel free to drive a burger up to me in can jump in the cruiser with me for a ride along!
    Thanks for the help today Ricky! I plan on mastering the KB Swings!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Rest Day is code for "work on what you dislike doing" ;) So Angela suckered me into rowing and pushups...with her "come on reba u can do it" ---- like it will be so easy...

    5 Rounds of the following:

    500 meter row
    15 pushups

    and I was sinking at the end of my hips that is, but finished and next time I will try for better form on the rower - who knew there was technique involved ;)

    I love hearing the PHELPS is getting GOLD AFTER GOLD! Its awesome! I love the Olympics!!! :)
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. I'm sorry Reba! I did not think Joe would actually try to kill us today during that workout!
    I was not that great at the Fish Game.... I guess I'm not good at anything involving the rower!
    Nice job to everyone at 5:30!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Today I did 21 ovr head sqts 40 du's 15 ohs 30 du 9 ohs 20 du 6 ohs 10 du. Did it in 9 something. I actually did the du's like a mad women today!! Its much easier when you don't do double, single, double. I still need work but did do 10 in a row the right way!!!
  19. BC Says:
  20. The 5:30 class featured a plethora of workouts ("Do you know what a plethora is?" "No El Guapo, I do not know what a plethora is.") There was rowing, pushups, double-unders, a name it someone was doing it. I did AMRAP of 5 KB swings with 1.5 pood, 10 wall balls with 14# med ball and 15 ball slams with 20# D ball. I completed 5 full rounds and it was my first workout using the 1.5 pood for all rounds so that was a bonus for me. Great job 5:30 crew! And I agree with Reba, Phelps is an athletic freak of nature. Next time you're in a pool try a do a butterfly stroke, it seems impossible and makes what he's doing that much more impressive.
  21. Mike Livergood Says:
  22. I hope to make it out to check out the new place! congrats
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. I wanted to do some single leg exercises since my left leg is much stronger than my right. Joe had me do dumbbell snatches, pistol squats and then double unders.

    I did:
    3 x 35# snatches each arm
    5 pistol squats each leg
    40 double unders

    3 x 40# snatches
    5 pistols
    30 du's

    3 x 45# snatches
    5 pistols
    20 du's

    3 x 50# snatches
    5 pistols
    10 du's

    Much tougher than I thought it would be, especially the double unders, I really need to work on them a lot more.

    Great work everyone at 5:30!!
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. yah, addi, i think i was just finishing 5?? 1260 on the fish game...just wait, i will dominate soon enough!!
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. Dangit - I wanna play this fish game!!!! I know it involves the rower, but who cares - its still a game :)

    Awesome work Danielle for perfecting her double unders!!! :)

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