Thursday 080814

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Bodyweight Overhead Squat x 15

The goal of this workout is to, of course, overhead squat your bodyweight for 15 reps. If this is not possible it should be at the top of your list of things to achieve. In this workout shoot for a percentage of your bodyweight if actual bodyweight is not within reach. Try 90%, 80%, 75%, etc. There will be plenty of warm-up available but only one attempt at 15 reps is allowed. The lower the percentage you attempt at 15 reps determines how much you need to improve your overhead squat and thus use the rest of the hour to practice.

Nicole Carroll Bodyweight OHS x 15...[wmv][mov] (courtesy of CFHQ)

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Overhead lunge. Not quite effective as the overhead squat but easier to accomplish for those that struggle with mobility.

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23 Responses to "Thursday 080814"

  1. paul Says:
  2. I need this one so bad--my OHS is still a mess. I think this shoulder problem might be related to my long-standing weakness in the OHS. I did some a few weeks ago and they felt pretty good, but I was in serious pain the next day. I will do some today with a band, and maybe with the bar if I'm feeling really good.

    Good luck to everyone with this very challenging WOD!!
  3. Jen Says:
  4. I don't know who's body weight I was able to complete, but it certainly wasn't my own! Joe said it best "You can come in to feel terrible about yourself, but at the same time feel great about yourself for coming in". Great work 6AM crew.

    110lbs. or 54% of MY bodyweight
  5. Jen Says:
  6. PS - I only got 14 reps.
  7. Addi Says:
  8. Rest day for me today... The knees need a break if I ever hope to walk downstairs normally again. (Damn you, Enterprise!)

    See everyone tomorrow!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. I attempted 78lbs(62% of BW) but I only got 8 reps, so I completed 20 reps with 58lbs(46% of BW). Good job to everyone.
    Tomorrow is my day off, I will be coming to the noon class.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. 68x15 (53%BW) thanks everyone for the encouragement!!
  13. JonD Says:
  14. 100x15 (59%BW) I will take that my squatting abilities are sub par but are getting alot better. Thanks for the crowd support 6am class. Hope the rest of the day goes well and I hope to see everyone tomorrow night for the get together after the 6:30pm class.
  15. Steve Says:
  16. I spent the day stripping wall-paper, so not really able to get my arms above my head tonite, much less with body weight. I will be there tomorrow for the workout and am bringing meat for the grill.

    Also, if anyone is interested in joining me, I'm going to ride the Corporate Cycling Challenge this sunday morning. Let me know if you want to ride.

  17. Greg MO Says:
  18. 191x7....sucky
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. so instead of doing my body weight i did a little over abby's. i got 68# x 14 then the bar fell off the back of my hands and i thought i broke my wrist so i didnt attempt any more. o well. shoulders are still pretty stiff from the push presses the other day. blah blah excuse. great job today 5:30! can't wait till the gathering tomorrow night.
  21. BC Says:
  22. This sucked.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. I got a measly 110# (61% body weight). Not very happy with the weight but glad I was able to get all 15.

    I hope you are all excited for tomorrow because I definitely am! See you all in 23.5 hours!
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. Joe sorry for not listen 100% tonight. Reba thanks for catching the bar!
    After a slight Janet Jackson move I only did 48#.
    I will be out of town tomorrow night so hope you all have a great time! See ya Monday.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. I was having a pretty shitty day and apparently that transfers to being able to lift more than usual. My goal was 100# and I got up to 93# tonight! I think just doing that once would have been a PR but I did it 15x. That last 3 were tough! I almost lost it. But the cheering was very encouraging. Thanks everyone!
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. And that would be around 72% body weight!
  31. A Says:
  32. We learned some things during 6:30's class. 1. Kylie is an instigator. 2. Danielle doesn't understand that Crossfit is a family place. and 3. I talk too much. It was a rough night. :-)
    15 reps at 77# (65% body weight). Oh well. Did about 6 reps of 87#, then got wobbly. Guess I need to eat TWO eggs next time.
    Great work, 6:30!
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. 12 @ 68lbs and bar went "byby" behind me - that really ticked me off, so I dropped down to 62lbs and finished 15 reps. Oddly enough when your back hurts, you finally find your abs - core ;)

    Alison "F*ing right on!!" Now I wanna see ya drop that bar like its your little B*tch ;)

    Danielle - it was kinda like slow motion as to what was going on - its all good - hope your shoulder is ok -- have a good weekend! :)
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. I knew that I was screwed on body weight (still being about 50 lbs. overweight) so that goal is still in the future. I got 89 lbs for 15 reps. I think I might have been able to do more, but I really want to be able to walk tomorrow. Again a start. But if you go by body weight I am at only 32%. Good news is as the body weight goes down percentage goes up. Thanks Joe for the ancient Greek Philosophy.
  37. A Says:
  38. Reba, you're a MONSTER!!!! I'm going to have nightmares about your "scary look." :-)
  39. ZachR Says:
  40. 154 x 14 (91%)

    So close on the 15th rep but I let the bar get too far out front and couldn't hang on. I followed that up with 5 reps at 174.

    Good work to everyone at 5:30 and I hope to see everyone tomorrow night.
  41. zj Says:
  42. What is it about that last rep?
    132x14 and was so close.
    ~75% of BW
  43. Donohoe Says:
  44. 200 for 8 shitty 74% not as much as I wanted or for as many as I wanted. Everyone went after it tonight though congradulations. I want to get better at this exercise. I am looking forward to seeing everyone post crossfit, we gotta get the new place broken in.
    Donohoe out....
  45. Donohoe Says:
  46. 200 for 8 shitty 74% not as much as I wanted or for as many as I wanted. Everyone went after it tonight though congradulations. I want to get better at this exercise. I am looking forward to seeing everyone post crossfit, we gotta get the new place broken in.
    Donohoe out....

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