Tuesday 080812

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


5 rounds for time
400 meter run
15 DB Push press (50#/30#)

Full lockout of both the elbow and shoulder must occur at the top of the push press. This includes both showing a portion of the ear in front of the arm and support of the dumbbells at the top. There should be enough support at the top for you to walk around with the load overhead, if that was the case, before you bring them down for the next rep.

Health sticks to the right. Got an ailment or nagging injury? Master the overhead squat with pvc and practice it daily.

Joe and I would like to thank all of you for coming out yesterday and sharing that special day with us. You guys are the reason we are able to realize our dreams. We have a great group of athletes who we are happy to provide a gym to, a gym you can call your own. Thanks for your friendship, suggestions, and work ethic. All that I ask is that you take pride in your new gym by taking great care of the equipment and keeping the place clean. Thanks again and we look forward to working with every one of you for years to come.

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22 Responses to "Tuesday 080812"

  1. ZachR Says:
  2. 16:44 Rx'd

    Broke up the Push Press into 3 sets of 5 for each round. The run was a nice break from the push press which led to a slower time each round as I wanted more rest before the presses. Good work to all those at 6am.
  3. Jen Says:
  4. Wasn't very confident the first time I picked up the 50lb dumbbells. I didn't want to reinjure the shoulder so I grabbed 30 lbs for the warm up. Just before we started I grabbed the 40 lbs for at least the first couple of sets. Turns out I was able to burn through all the sets at 40 lbs pretty fast. I will likely go up next time. 12:30 something Nice work Amanda and the Zachs on Rx'd.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. oh goodness, my first day back and you throw 400s in there. joy. can't wait to see the new place!
  7. JonD Says:
  8. I thought I would do 45lbs for the first few rounds but I guess I was able to do them for the all 5 rounds. I think it was because I was standing next to the Zachs which were doing 50lbs so I got a little motivation from them. Nice work everyone and Amanda I tried to keep up but you dominated again. To everyone else nice work and I get a lot of motivation from watching everyone around me. I got it done in 15:08 my goal was under 15 min but I couldnt lock out the last rep so I had to drop and reset. Well good luck the rest of the day.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. 15:36 scaled with 25# dumbbells, great job to everyone at 6am.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. i think i finished in 16:56. but i dont really know. great job to everyone this morning! you guys are always such an inspiration. i was scaled to 25#.
    great job to the zachs and amanda. ya'll dominated!
  13. paul Says:
  14. nice work with heavy push presses, everyone!

    I just got done doing:

    3 rds (w/ 20# vest)

    10 hang cleans (45#)
    15 swings (55# DB)
    20 lateral lunges
    150m run


  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. I love the new gym! It's awesome!!!
    Today's workout was a fun one! I scaled (15lb) 13:47...I think?!?!
    Nice job NOONERS!...hey Joe--let the little pup get some rest tonight :)
  17. BC Says:
  18. 15:39 scaled with 25# DB's. I tried to jump into the push presses as quickly as I could after the run, and I only broke them up on 2 rounds. Maybe if I had taken an extra couple of breaths before hand and broken up the sets I could've gone heavier, but I guess now I have a goal for next time. Great job nooners!
  19. BC Says:
  20. I almost forgot - Ricky, in regards to your thank you to us, I feel like we (or at least I) should be the one thanking you and Joe. You guys are the reason I/we keep coming back. Your knowledge, encouragment, motivation and overall great attitudes are what make CrossFit Omaha what it is, and I just feel lucky to be a part of it.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. 15:50 or something around that with 30#
    I would not have kept running if it weren't for Reba and Alison. Thanks ladies!
    5:30 class looked really good!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. 15:07 Military press substituted for the push press. Started at 20s (ego) and dropped to 15s :)

    Nice job everyone - that was a sweaty one!!!
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. It was really nice taking time off over the last couple of weeks but I have to admit it made for a painful workout yesterday. Today felt much better. 13:45 Rx'd
  27. Steve Says:
  28. managed to make it thru as rx'd- thanks for the team push. great job to everyone at 5:30.
  29. A Says:
  30. Nice work, 5:30! That uphill run is simply lovely. I hope to visit Enterprise often. I am surprised Ricky and Joe haven't figured out a way to make it uphill both directions.
    Finished 15:something with 30#, which was a STRETCH for me. I was pleased to have not scaled it, though I REALLY wanted to in round...well, round 2, actually.
  31. kahrs Says:
  32. Scaled it down to 40 for a couple of rounds then dropped to 30, the shoulder was hurting. Finished 15 or 16 something. The runs are tough, everyone did a great job.
  33. Addi Says:
  34. Brytten and Alison, you two have a sick sense of what constitutes "fun" and "simply lovely." :)

    It's so hard to not skip running days. I hate it. Scaled to 25#, finished in ... 17:45? I'm really bad at remembering times this week. Either way, it was damn slow and painful. Surprisingly, though, not as bad as I thought 5 rounds would be. Not that I'm too keen on doing it again. Ever.
  35. A Says:
  36. Sarcasm, Addi. You know me better than that! :-)
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. Just got back from making up this workout at the gym. 16:26. I scaled to 15 DBs.

    Mel C
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. Rx'd 16:31
    Good workout I miss having the clock on the wall to know where I am to push myself or know my pace

  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. 17:03 Rx'd though my last push press probably wasn't a full lockout. During the whole workout I was like 'thank god I finished that run,' then as soon as I was finished with a round of presses, it was 'thank god I am done with those presses.' I hated both exercises the whole time.

    Whew!! Glad that is over with.
  43. Anonymous Says:
  44. 16:40 with 20#. That sweet precious hill is pretty sweet. I really dont mind running down it, its the up part that gets me :) I always have trouble counting the rounds, but I kept hoping that some of the girls were done (so I would be done, after them of couse) but they just kept going out and running it was such a relief when I came in and they done because that was the last round!!!!

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