For time:
35 Pull-ups
20" Box Jumps, 20 reps
250 meter row
25 Pull-ups
20" Box Jumps, 20 reps
500 meter row
15 Pull-ups
20" Box Jumps, 20 reps
750 meter row
Our pull-up standard in the new gym will remain chin above bar with the understanding that anyone that completes any workout, with pull-ups involved, chest to bar will be listed as finishing first, so long as every other movement is prescribed, regardless of time unless the workout is not completed in the time limit. Time limit for this workout is set at 30 minutes.
Post time to comments.
Only missing a sign!
Just a couple of reminders to everyone that plans on coming in for today's inaugural workout. Please park all vehicles behind the building, utilize the side garage bays for entering the workout area (as the front office is yet to be completed), and at this moment there is a single bathroom available with no shower facilities. The showers should be completed within the next few weeks. Sorry for any inconvenience.
ALSO, a belated Congrats to Lindsey...WAY TO GO!!!
13:16 (SCALED)
way scaled. 15-10-5 pullups instead of 35-25-15. i wanted to throwup a couple times. SO excited to be zoning again. egh, unhealthy weekends = shitty monday morning workouts. great job this am guys!
In order for me to complete the pull-ups to Chest, it took me several 1 and 2 rep sets. My hands are completely shredded.
I can't wait to work out in the new place. I especially can't wait to do CTB pullups on that nasty rack.
16:11(scaled) 15,10,5 pullups, box jumps really slowed me down, I need to work on those.
I had to scale work out jumping pull ups but I did all the prescribed reps. The thing is with crossfit there is always something to work on and improve and thats why I like it so much.
Paul its your birthday I think I hope you enjoyed it.
Have a great day everyone....
Anyway, it looks awesome. Congratulations Joe and Ricky!
By the way... I hate rowing!!
I don't know what my time was...14 something I think?
25-15-10 kipping. I am choosing to count neck to bar as a step above regular, but not quite super rx'd. :-)
Awesome work from the 5:30 class! Today just reinforced how grateful I am to be a part of Crossfit Omaha! Thanks so much, Joe and Ricky!
Crystal - awesome!! Most pregnant women I know would have fallen and quit, but not you - you pushed hard all the way to the end :)
16:17 Did a very modifed pullup - did the incline pullups 25-20-and then did 15 kipping just to see how it went. My back is still sore, but I gave it a stern pep talk and we made it through :)
Is it possible for the mind to become addicted to something? I know the body physically can, but mentally I was totally out of focus last week at work and everything else? Ricky/Joe any articles out there on CF and mental stimulus??
12:17 super rxd
Everyone did great at 6:30.
Scaled to jumping pullups: 20, 15, 10
20-15-10 kipping pullups...
This wasn't as bad as I thought I was going to be, but it still kicked my ass. My rowing was way off... spent most of the time in the low 20s. NOT happy with that, but I'm looking forward to rowing more often. One more thing I need to get better than Josh at. :)
Great work everyone at 5:30, especially Steve. I had to push extra hard just to keep up with him!
The new place kicks ass I could see the run to enterprise getting very old very quick
Thanks, Reba!! At least my a** doesn't hurt today!!