For time:
Walking Lunges, 100 feet
30 Box Jumps, 20 inches
30 Kettlebell Swings, 2 pood
100 Situps
20 DB Hang Squat Cleans, 35 pounds
30 Burpees
150 Double Unders
Post time to comments.
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Just a reminder that our social begins at the conclusion of the 6:30 class (maybe sooner for some of us). Bring friends, family, food, etc. I know that some of you will be out of town, Josh/Danielle, but if you are in town it is required that you show up. This is an opportunity for 6 AM to squabble with 5:30 PM, new people to get acquainted with vets, etc. So come have a good time and enjoy a little fun with friends.
Have a great social gathering everyone and see you next week.
I wasn't feeling it today, but forced myself to suffer through:
5 rds:
10 155# DLs
15 OH squats (band)
Won't make the social tonight, unfortunately, but I will be back in on Monday. Psyched to see the new gym, not to mention the hard-hitters who make it what it is.
Glad I got to see Kylie L today- I missed you!
Everyone at noon finished really hard. Great job!
I plan on coming to the social after my golf league tonight.
Item #2, the social. Great to see so many people there, and I appreciate all the kindness that so many of you extended to my girls...except for you Zach, that was wrong man, just plain wrong. I wish I could've stayed longer but when you're a single dad duty calls. Hope everyone has a great weekend and see y'all Monday!
It was, however, delightful to see everyone tonight - especially the 5:30 and 6:30 classes.. hopefully our heckling wasn't too distracting! It was also nice to finally put some more faces with names - I've not been coming in regularly enough to keep up with all the new people! Going to change, though. I've actually been trying to keep a regular schedule this week... Think I'll be a regular nooner from now on.