Sunday 080817

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Rest Day!

A face of determination

Reminder: The prelims for our "Cindy" challenge take place this Thursday the 21st. There is a $25 buy-in to participate. This will be the WOD for Thursday. If you wish not to take part in the challenge, you can either still do the WOD as a part of regular programming or an alternative workout will be available. This challenge is open to all CrossFit affiliates. More details can be read here...

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1 Response to "Sunday 080817"

  1. Donohoe Says:
  2. I did the bear work out 5 rounds 7 reps bar 65 85 115 135. The rest between each round as 2 min until last round that was 3min. This workout really caughtes up with you towards the end. My form went to crap on the last round I need to get better at thrusters that would make my WODs alot better.
    Hope everyone had a great day.

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