Saturday 080816

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Weighted Pushup Bridge, 10 seconds
Jumping Pull-up, 21 reps
Weighted Pushup Bridge, 20 seconds
Jumping Pull-up, 18 reps
Weighted Pushup Bridge, 30 seconds
Jumping Pull-up, 15 reps
Weighted Pushup Bridge, 40 seconds
Jumping Pull-up, 12 reps
Weighted Pushup Bridge, 50 seconds
Jumping Pull-up, 9 reps
Weighted Pushup Bridge, 60 seconds
Jumping Pull-up, 6 reps

Use as much weight as possible on the pushup bridge but whatever weight you choose you must stay with for the entire workout. The bridge must be held for the entire time without stopping. If you come to your knees, the time re-starts. Do not let the hips sag at any point during the bridge hold.

Post weight used for the bridge.

Pushing for the perfect overhead squat. It's good to have you on board Jon.

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12 Responses to "Saturday 080816"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. In my Crossfit journey I do things I haven't done since college or before (situps, squats etc.) Last night I did another: I slept on the bathroom floor. Mary told me this morning she had fun trying to convince me to do one more burpee. If that isn't true love I don't know what is. I had a great time last night and wish I could be there today, but I have the family reunion thing. Great social and again congrats to Ricky and Joe.
  3. paul Says:
  4. oh man, if Jim's story is any indication, it sounds like I missed a good one!

    Can't wait to come in on Monday!
  5. BC Says:
  6. Yo Alison. The name of that song from the Nike commercials is "List of Demands" by Saul Williams. I am the answer man.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. i want to apologize for my hot mess-ness last night. i apparently drank too much, which i am paying for truly today. thanks for putting up with me guys! it was a blast though! i promise to not get as trashed next time.
  9. JonD Says:
  10. There is no need to apologize for last night Hannah, I had a blast and I think everyone else did as well. I just want to say thanks for putting me up on the website (hope its good form). Jim great story and I think I have been there before. Well I got the work out done in 17:07 with 44# weight on my back. It was a struggle and I got the shakes during the holds which made it entertaining to some people. Thanks guys. If the first week has any indication about what is to come than I am really excited. I havent had more fun with a group of people in a long time. Thanks to everyone and have a great weekend and see yall next week.
  11. BC Says:
  12. Dammit! Jim ended up in a pile on the bathroom floor, Hannah apparently was drooling on herself in the corner (I'm using my imagination)...I always miss out on all the fun. The next social will either have to be on one of my kid-free weekends or I'll have to get a sitter for the night. Off to the pool.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. I think I had a great time last night.... And What's up with Joe trying to break Hannah's ankle? I missed that... or forgot it even happened!
    We missed a few people (Paul, Mel B, Jimbo and some others) but I think everyone had fun.
  15. Donohoe Says:
  16. Wow I have never done two crossfits in one day. The workout was a challenge I think everyone at the social would agree the second was tougher. I'm not sure what her name is but she is a vendictive WOD you know the one where you drink as much as you can before rick and joe throw your ass out of the gym, and try not to pass out before the end of the night. I think everyone set new standards of preformance last night that just shows how competetive we all are.
    Okay I need a nap great to see everyone.
    Donohoe out.................
  17. paul Says:
  19. ZachR Says:
  20. I think I finished just under 9 minutes and used the 25kg plate. My shoulders are on fire after the past two days.

    It was great to see everyone last night at the social. Thank you to Ricky and Joe for being such great hosts.

    I will see those hard core crossfitters at 6am Monday morning!!!
  21. A Says:
  22. Thanks, Ricky and Joe for hosting such a great social! It was fun to meet new people, and see the 6-amers again. 5:30 is still better, I don't care what you guys say! :-)
    After being out until 3:30, it was BRUTAL dragging my ass into class in the morning. Glad I went - workout was fun. Used the middle weight on the back, whatever that is...22 maybe? Finished right after Zach. Good stuff!
    See y'all on Monday!
  23. A Says:
  24. Thanks for the info, Brian! It's going in my iPod right now!

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