Wednesday 080723

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


For time:
50 Push Press, 75 pounds
3 rounds of:
50 Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 45 pounds
50 Box Jumps, 24 inch box
50 Push Press, 75 pounds

The weight used by gals is 45 pounds for push press and 33 pounds for sdlhp. There is a twenty minute time limit for this workout.

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Intensity, not Volume (to a point)!, By Ricky Frausto

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16 Responses to "Wednesday 080723"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. i hate sdhp! also, i think working out 2x in less than 12 hours was a bad idea. i definately prefer early morning to late evening. today was a horrible DNF. i got through 2 rounds + 25 sdhp. i could have pushed harder, but my arms were still shot. o well. now i know for next time. great job 6amers!
    steve, my work ordered the packets last week and we should get them in tomorrow. i'll let you know.
    see you friday! have a good rest day!
  3. ZachR Says:
  4. DNF - Finished all but 40 Push Press

    This workout was definitely an eye opener. My diet has been slacking the past few days and it reared its ugly head this morning. I felt much slower with the SDHPs and box jumps.

    I plan to take advantage of the rest day tomorrow and hopefully get back on track.

    Good work to everyone at 6am
  5. paul Says:
  6. This one looks brutal. Wish I could participate.

    Ricky, interesting article. Thanks for holding us accountable to those standards. I especially like your emphasis on human movement. You and Joe have both helped me a lot with that. I notice that I move differently during day to day life, whether it be picking something up off the floor, squatting to get something out of the fridge...
  7. Jen Says:
  8. Nice work 6AM! This was a tough WOD, but a nice way to end the the 3 day cycle. Lindsey, I'm on board to set up a mock fire dept. test to help you get ready for real deal. It sounds like it would a great WOD on a rest day.

    WOD=DNF, got 30 of the last Push-Press set when time ran out. I also scaled to do 35lb. dumbbell with the right arm.
  9. Melissa B Says:
  10. DNF- was just about to start the 50 pushpress...awesome job to Alison for finishing and Ang for getting so close
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. DNF I was on the 3rd round of box jumps finished 3 of them. Jeff if we can set up a mock test, that would be awesome. Great job 6am.
  13. A Says:
  14. Great job, nooners! This was certainly a test of will. The last 25 pushpress nearly did me in. I think I had something like 23 seconds left. Thanks for sharing box jumps with me, JimmyG!

    I agree with Paul, Crossfit has totally benefitted me in daily activities, be it renovating the house, removing large tree limbs, or just general aerobic/muscular capabilities. I have a better awareness of movement, and that, I attribute fully to Joe and Ricky.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. I think it is a proven fact now that the noon class is better than 6 am..... We had 2 finish the WOD!
    Just kidding- I know I can't function at 6!
    I was around 12 push presses short of finishing. Everyone looked great at noon. Thanks Joe and Libby. It really helps having you pushing us to do better.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. DNF-
    Wow this was really hard. Got through 50 push press, two full rounds of SDHP and box jumps and 15 SDHP's when the time ran out.
    See everyone tomorrow.
  19. JimmyG Says:
  20. A humbling DNF today. It's official. After today's workout every muscle in my body is sore. I'm going to enjoy tomorrow's rest day more than usual. See you all on Friday!

    Alison, you've proven today that the impossible IS possible!! Great job today. It was an honor to share a box with you (That's what she said!).
  21. Jen Says:
  22. Ever since the 6AM class began, we have been called out twice by the later classes. Once by Steve and now by Angela. I think it may be time for Ricky to come up with a challenge between classes!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Yeah, this WOD sucked for me! I felt like I had nothing to give. I had to scale the second round by doing 30 reps and time ran out when I started round three :( Congrats to the rest of the class, great effort! TGIRest day!
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. 7:30 class was totally bumpin tonight!!! Nice work!

    18:40 prescribed

    Strategy for me was go super hard for reps of 10 and then I got to rest for 5-10 seconds...then go hard again...

    I admit that I have a massive side cramp from pushing so hard, but I had to...( plus Ricky dangled out that little challenge before we started and this was my last wod until next week, so what the heck right ;)....time to relax and enjoy boating this weekend - see you guys next week!
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. Have fun Reba! I missed you guys at 7:30 :o) I'll see you 6am-ers tomorrow though! It's been a VERY long time since I saw 6am!

    Mel C
  29. paul Says:
  30. jimbo, you crack me up!
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. This was a big DNF, I made it through 12 box jumps on the third round when time was called. It's workouts like this that make me realize my biggest weakness, besides the dead lift, is my legs. My legs wear out pretty quickly on the these high rep workouts. Congrats to all the other's that finished or were only a handful of push presses aways.

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