Tuesday 080722

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Post number of minutes completed to comments.

If you can, try and utilize strict pull-ups for as long as you are able before moving to kipping pull-ups to the chest before moving to kipping pull-ups with chin above bar.

Working on overhead squats!

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22 Responses to "Tuesday 080722"

  1. kahrs Says:
  2. Did 3 rounds of 10 squats, 10 situps, 10 burpees 3:59. Might do something else later today see if I have time.
  3. paul Says:
  4. Nice work, Kahrs! It's good to know Crossfit Omaha has a Swiss correspondent.
  5. Jen Says:
  6. I thought I was pretty good at pull-ups and that it would be easy to do well on todays WOD. Turns out I still need some improvement.
    I made it to 10 rounds, some chest to bar, some chin to bar, a few kips. Many of them were strict.
    We decided to follow the WOD with Annie. I finished in 8:43. From the looks of that picture, I need to sit back on my heels more!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. I completed 8 rounds of kipping PUs, rounds 9 - 20 I did jumping PUs. DNF Annie, those damn DUs.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Figured I would throw on 30 lbs of weight vest for good measure.... made it to round 5 on strict then went to round 16 using hands are trashed

    Justin VanBeek
  11. BC Says:
  12. Did 3 rounds of 20 air squats, 10 burpees - 4:52.
  13. Addi Says:
  14. Eating burgers and avoiding productive work. AMRAP in 24 hours. I'm in the middle of hour 5... So far, doing awesome. Excellent form, if I do say so myself.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Great work on the kipping pull-ups, Lindsey... they are really looking great!

    Justin VB
  17. paul Says:
  18. Addi, why must you taunt us?

    great to see the nooners, and looked like you guys did some ridiculous numbers of pullups. i was jealous.

    Ricky made up a nice little leg-destroyer for me:

    50 DLs (100 lbs)

    3 rds

    50 single unders
    25 burpees (no pushup)
    50 squats

    50 DLs (100 lbs)

  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. Turns out that after 15 strict pull-ups I can't do anything else. I did kipping for most of the rounds and then switched to jumping. I ripped my hand again so I stopped after 20 rounds. The two other women with me kicked ass! You guys are amazing!
    And nice work the the fellas too!
  21. ZachR Says:
  22. Did the workout over lunch today but subbed burpees for pullups. I finished round 15 with 4 seconds left and couldn't talk myself into starting round 16. Rested 5 minutes and did a tabata run on the treadmill. Hope to be back at 6am class tomorrow morning.
  23. A Says:
  24. Nooners are the best! Jimmy, DJ, Ang, Mel, and Paul - you guys rocked!
    Did roughly 18 strict, and was totally wiped out. Could barely handle kips after that. Did 11 rounds strict and kipping, then finished with jumping for a total of 28 rounds. I did, however, fumble around for 2 rounds, trying to figure out why I couldn't do kipping pullups. Man, pushing the head through on the bottom of the jumping really cuts into reps, too. But it's great for getting that range of motion.
  25. JimmyG Says:
  26. Great job today, Nooners! I made it through 28 rounds (sort of). Here's the breakdown:

    Mins 1-6: Kipped chest to bar
    Mins 7-9: Kipped chin above bar
    Mins 10-15: Jumping pull ups
    Mins 16-22?: Jumping with weight vest
    Mins 23?-28: Jumping minus vest

    What an ass kicking!
  27. Greg MO Says:
  28. 7 strict, 13 strict kipping...shi-tee

    so...2 min rest then

    15 strict clap burpees on the min
  29. Melissa B Says:
  30. Here was my breakdown:
    5.5 rounds strict
    12.5 kipping-ripped hands open and became a pansy a**
    27 rounds jumping

    Great job guys are crazy :)
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. UGGS I hate ripping my hands!!! It makes it difficult to shake hands with people at work, and that is a problem!!!

    Sounds like everyone did awesome today!

    I wish they made rubber gloves that don't slide off the bar for kipping pullups. Anyone,anyone?? Ricky/Joe - wanna take my idea and get a patent put on it. Slogan---- "CrossFit Gloves - protection against Fran"

    I would buy it ;)
  33. A Says:
  34. For a fact, Sweaty Mcgee here, would buy those gloves, Reba!
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. Only finished 7 rounds of kipping pullups and finished with jumping pullups to round 20. I didn't think the jumping pullups were much of a challenge until round 17, then it kicked my butt.
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. hell yes i would buy those gloves. reba, get on that design!
    i got 7 rounds with kipping which i havent ever done more than 4 in a row so i was happy. they might have been ugly, but they were strung together. then 8-20 of jumping while ripping my hand open on 19.
    great job today 7:30. it was weird being there that late in a day...i dont know if i can handle it.
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. I got my first rip tonight! I feel so proud! Haha. I did ok...still on the jumping pull-ups. Still working on the kipping...can't wait to start those. Joe...thanks for working on my overheads tonight with me.
    Good Job 7:30! It was good to see you Hannah!

    Mel C
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. I think I got 10 rounds. Did 3 rounds well 2 1/3 with strict pull-ups!! I also got my first rips tonight :) I dont think I dig on the long bar for pull-ups. I am discovering that I don't like rips, don't know why I was so excited about it yesterday.

    Get working on the gloves. I will be in Seattle so everyone have a great week!!
  43. Anonymous Says:
  44. 7 rounds strict and got through 14 rounds kipping with chin above bar. My arms were already pretty tired after the strict so I couldn't get chest to bar for more than the first pull-up each round.

    After the WOD, Ricky had Matt and I do burpees with 3 the first minute and add 3 each minute until we couldn't finish. I did:
    1st min - 3
    2nd min - 6
    3rd min - 9
    4th min - 12
    5th min - 15
    6th min - 12

    I couldn't get to 18 on the last minute. This was a killer, espcially since my arms were worm out from the pull-ups.

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