Thursday 080724

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Rest Day!

Practice what you preach! Coach Rip pulling.

Starting Tuesday the 29th, we will be moving to a new class schedule. This schedule is the same one that will be utilized at your new facility, except for the elements classes, which will not start until we are at the new place. As for that date, we hope to be running classes there by August 11th but I'm not making any promises. Here is a link to the new schedule.

Last minute notice but if there are any of you that are available this weekend and would like to watch the VFC fights at the MAC center, we, as in CrossFit, will have a booth set up on the main floor. We have about 4 or 5 people at the moment but any additional help will be greatly appreciated. And hey, you get to watch a pretty good fight card, ringside.

I know some of you made it to the Nutrition Seminar we held a couple of months back but just in case you forgot some info or if you didn't make it here is the powerpoint presentation. I am giving this out because I want you guys or anyone else for that matter to worry as much about your nutritional intake as you do your physical activity. Practice what you preach! You can't have one without the other. It doesn't have to be Zone but it should be clean, healthy. Educate yourself on what clean, healthy really is.

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11 Responses to "Thursday 080724"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I am beginning to realize more and more how diet affects your training. I was out of town and not eating very well last week and this week I have been eating out almost twice a day because I just moved and I have no food yet in my new house. I haven't yet tried a strict Zone diet but I have been using Zone principles when I can and I can tell huge difference in my performance during the WODs. Hopefully I have time to go shopping this weekend and start eating better again next week.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Nice job yesterday Reba! It sounds like you kicked ass!
  5. A Says:
  6. Reba, you monster! What was the challenge?
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. I was the only one at 6AM today. Joe had me do 5 rounds of:
    7 wall balls (12#)
    7 wall throws
    65# clean, then pressed it overhead, walked from the rings to the back extension threw it down and cleaned, pressed it overhead and walked back to the rings
    I think it took me about 8 mins.
    Thanks Joe!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. 1) way to represent, lindsey! today was just a much needed rest day.
    2) reba, you are amazing.
    3) i recommend everyone try the zone. its not as bad as you would think. its a whole lot more food than i am used to eating but its better food. zachr and i have been doing a pseudo-zone but i started strict this week. thanks ricky for the powerpoint. it was extremely helpful!
  11. Steve Says:
  12. welcome back 5:30!
  13. paul Says:
  14. just did AMRAP in 20 of

    15 front squats (95#)
    10 DB box jumps (15", 30# DBs)
    100m run

    got 6 rds and 15 squats.

    that sucked way, WAY more than i anticipated. the 100s were half up and half down a pretty steep hill, which didn't help.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Thanks for the FUN workout Joe! I enjoy doing new things. Nice job 4:30!
  17. BC Says:
  18. I did 7 rounds of 7 wall balls, 7 ball slams, clean/press/walk of shame with least I think that was 90#. I agree with Brytten, it was a fun but challenging workout. Great job Brytten and Jim and thanks Joe. Good to be back.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. Hannah I think I'm going to go on the zone. You said you were so full so I say why not. See you guys Monday! (I'll be at the noon classes next week Mel B!)

    Mel C
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Alison - basically the challenge was to finish the WOD, and Ricky gave us heads up to not come out full throttle at first or we would burn out - so I devised my little plan and then went as fast as I could the last I did the box jumps like Joe had me do them about two weeks ago and even though it made my sides ache like sh*t - they went twice as fast :)

    oh and that is the 2nd time I felt a little pukey after a workout....

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