Tuesday 080708

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Rest Day

The new pullup standard!

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12 Responses to "Tuesday 080708"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. This topic have a tendency to become boring but with your creativeness its great.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. nice sport............
  5. Jen Says:
  6. CFE WOD = 3K = 12:06

    Ricky, thanks for sharing your experience at the games with us.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. its weird how frequently i can love and hate a workout all in one.
    6amer's today did a team work out consisting of:
    15 (or 20) cal row
    20 jumping dips
    25 swings
    20 thrusters (45 and 75#)
    3 rds.
    i thought i was going to die. we finished in 28:05. great job this morning guys! lindsey, you are an all star!
    i am mad at myself for lack of zone-ish eating and not working out yesterday so chances are i will do yesterday's workout before my night class today.
    ricky and joe, its great to have you guys back. can't wait for more stories.
  9. Greg MO Says:
  10. Crossfit games WOD...

    5 rnds for time:
    5 DL (#275)
    10 Burpees (clap overhead)

    RXd 4:01....

    ps: Way 2 show em how we roll @ the games Ricky, Joe, & Libby!!!

    pss: Ricky I h8 u for gettin 2:46 @ this.....
  11. A Says:
  12. I like the logo at the top of the blog page better than the previous one. For what it's worth... :-)
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Joe had me work on snatches today.... the colored bumpers psych me out. I did better when it was "just" training plates and other little ones that add up to what greens would be.... whatever.
    And I think I got up to 3x77# or something like that.
  15. A Says:
  16. Worked on Snatch technique.
    Did sets of 3, with small jumps in weight until my mind said, "I'm scared of the 68 lbs over my head." What a weanie. Such a mental challenge for me.
    Finished with one of Burgener's workouts.
    As many rounds in 5 minutes:
    (used 35#)
    Progression: 3 of each:
    High Pull
    Full Snatch
    Did 6 rounds - was midway through round 7.
    Fatigue occurs quicker than you would expect. :-)
    Fun workout!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. I agree with Alison- I like this logo better!
  19. ZachR Says:
  20. CFE WOD

  21. kahrs Says:
  22. Worked on Snatch form, Burgener Warm-Up 1 Rep each increasing weight till failure. Ended up at Blues, took a few tries to get through the muscle snatch.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Since I am out of town...I did Saturdays WOD-- I am not able to do the handstand push I did elevated pushups

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