3 rounds for time
Walking Lunges, 30 reps
30 Box Jumps, 24 inch box
Scale height of box if needed. Joe and I will not be there for tomorrow's workouts so we need everyone to help out on picking box heights for our newest members. Use bumpers, platforms, 6 inch boxes, 12 inch boxes, etc. for scaling. We will have Amanda Brei doing the 6AM class, Greg Morales doing the 3PM class, and Ichiro doing the 7:30 class. Unfortunately, there will not be a noon class. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for cheering us on and we can't wait to get back to the gym.
The results of this year's CrossFit Games.
3 rounds for time
30 DB Walking Lunges(10# DBs)
30 Box Jumps (20")
30 Double Unders
I did the workout over my lunch hour and didn't have a 24" box so I used a 20" Bench to jump on. I thought about increasing the jumps to 40 but added the double unders instead.
I hope everyone had a good Holiday weekend and ready to get back in the gym. Less than a month until we have our own gym!!!!
9:59 was my time today.
Thanks Greg.
Secondly...a week without crossfit and I got my ass handed to me tonight. That was brutal and I even switched to the 20 inch box...
AND... Thanks Ichiro for having class!
Thanks Ich!
It'll be nice to have you guys back tomorrow... and I know everyone will want to hear all about the Games so get in a talking mood.
And Joe- Gabe misses you!
30 walking lunges
30 jumping squats
30 wall jumps ( reach for height )
30 walking lunges
30 jumping lunges
30 wall jumps
30 walking lunges
30 plie plyo squats
30 broad jumps
I just cannot figure out a good substitute for box jumps, but this one my heart rate was up there and my legs were burning...
Always hard coming back after a good long weekend ;)