Monday 080707

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


3 rounds for time
Walking Lunges, 30 reps
30 Box Jumps, 24 inch box

Scale height of box if needed. Joe and I will not be there for tomorrow's workouts so we need everyone to help out on picking box heights for our newest members. Use bumpers, platforms, 6 inch boxes, 12 inch boxes, etc. for scaling. We will have Amanda Brei doing the 6AM class, Greg Morales doing the 3PM class, and Ichiro doing the 7:30 class. Unfortunately, there will not be a noon class. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for cheering us on and we can't wait to get back to the gym.

The results of this year's CrossFit Games.


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24 Responses to "Monday 080707"

  1. A Says:
  2. I am totally impressed and inspired! Way to go guys!
  3. kahrs Says:
  4. You guys are amazing, great job. Next year I will go at least to watch. Ricky you made the front page of the main site two days in a row you are right behind the guy in the gray shirt. That has to be some kind of record also. Can't wait to hear all about the fun...
  5. kahrs Says:
  6. Hannah, way to be the first poster on the games site for the final results.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. thanks kahrs. i actually screamed when it came up. someone needed to step up from omaha. haha.
  9. Steve Says:
  10. congrats guys!
  11. paul Says:
  12. I wish I were home to celebrate with everyone!
  13. zj Says:
  14. Ricky, Joe and Libby. I refreshed the results pages all weekend. Nice job, you guys kicked-ass and I can't wait to here the details that a results spreadsheet cannot convey.
  15. paul Says:
  16. i actually did this one, since it doesn't involve shoulders. 7:29. much harder than i expected. usually i catch my breath on walking lunges, not this time.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Ricky, Joe, and Libby...WOW you guys are fantastic. Way to show em how its done in Omaha!! I cannot wait to hear stories of the amazing talent that joined you guys. I think maybe Sevan will have to make a trip to Omaha to interview the triple threat from Omaha.
  19. ZachR Says:
  20. Since tomorrow is a rest day and I didn't have the best weekend I decided to add a little to today's workout.

    3 rounds for time
    30 DB Walking Lunges(10# DBs)
    30 Box Jumps (20")
    30 Double Unders


    I did the workout over my lunch hour and didn't have a 24" box so I used a 20" Bench to jump on. I thought about increasing the jumps to 40 but added the double unders instead.

    I hope everyone had a good Holiday weekend and ready to get back in the gym. Less than a month until we have our own gym!!!!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Great job Ricky, Joe, and Libby, you guys are awesome!!

    9:59 was my time today.
    Thanks Greg.
  23. Jen Says:
  24. Great work Libby, Joe and Ricky. I hope there will be some video for you to share. Each of you inspire us all to reach for new heights. Thank you.
  25. Jen Says:
  26. It is another rest day which means I will be down at the UNO track to complete the CF Endurance workout. Warm-up begins at 6AM. All speeds are welcome! I will bring the WOD with me.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. I did the WOD at work with some other Officers outside...we did not use weight but did jump onto stairs instead of boxes. I did it in 7:21. I can only imagine my time with weight! I hope everyone is doing great...I am out of town this week. I will see everyone on Friday! WAY TO GO RICKY, JOE, and LIBBY.
  29. zj Says:
  30. 6:55 jumping onto some earth-moving equipment for "box" jumps.
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. Did the WOD with Zach, jumping onto a bulldozer in the park.

  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. First off....WOW!!! Joe, Libby, Ricky - Way to represent Omaha - AWESOME job!!

    Secondly...a week without crossfit and I got my ass handed to me tonight. That was brutal and I even switched to the 20 inch box...


    AND... Thanks Ichiro for having class!
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. 7:03
    Thanks Ich!
    It'll be nice to have you guys back tomorrow... and I know everyone will want to hear all about the Games so get in a talking mood.
    And Joe- Gabe misses you!
  37. kahrs Says:
  38. 8:40, I think the time off got to me. Can't wait to hear all about the excitement.
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. Yeah, I'm truely embarrased. Especially after seeing the results from the crossfit games. Way to represent Omaha! My first workout in a week after eating and drinking everything BAD. I was hoping for 10 minutes, but instead got 12:36 and just about puked my lunch. I'm hoping after a full week I can redeem myself. :(
  41. kahrs Says:
  42. All I have to say is make sure you watch the video on the main site, Kallista is an animal.
  43. Dave Paladino Says:
  44. WOW. It's great to be coached by the best. Megan, Kev and I MTB at the base of Mount Rainer today. I took it nice and slow. I think the recovery is going well. Its hard to tell since I have not had it wide open for awhile. If any one is interested in doing the first day or Ragbri, let Steve or I know.
  45. Dave Paladino Says:
  46. WOW. It's great to be coached by the best. Megan, Kev and I MTB at the base of Mount Rainer today. I took it nice and slow. I think the recovery is going well. Its hard to tell since I have not had it wide open for awhile. If any one is interested in doing the first day or Ragbri, let Steve or I know.
  47. Anonymous Says:
  48. I did a mishmosh at home last night and my legs are killing me today...

    30 walking lunges
    30 jumping squats
    30 wall jumps ( reach for height )
    30 walking lunges
    30 jumping lunges
    30 wall jumps
    30 walking lunges
    30 plie plyo squats
    30 broad jumps

    I just cannot figure out a good substitute for box jumps, but this one my heart rate was up there and my legs were burning...

    Always hard coming back after a good long weekend ;)

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