Friday 080725

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


800 meter run
rest 2 minutes
400 meter run
rest 2 minutes
200 meter run
rest 2 minutes
100 meter run

Post times for each run to comments.

Cool Shirt!

Courtesy of Rainier CrossFit

You’ve got to want this.

Had a conversation the other day that got me thinking. I’m in the fitness business, not the hand holding business. I have a system that takes ordinary people and turns them into athletes. I can look our women in the eyes and remind them of that day they asked if they would be a weakling forever. Now they groan and throw 65# on the bar for overhead squats, and they squat below parallel and reach full extension for each rep. They didn’t get there by being drug along.

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12 Responses to "Friday 080725"

  1. BC Says:
  2. Good article. When I started CrossFit back in April I'll admit that I was somewhat half-@ssing it in the beginning. I only came in 2 or 3 times a week, I didn't really change my lifestyle or diet, I was basically going through the motions. But over the last month or so something inside me clicked. Now when I have a busy schedule because of work or kids, instead of just missing a workout I'll find a way to come in whenever I can - I've hit every class time there is, hell I even did the zombie walk into the gym at 6am once. I even found a few days to workout while I was on vacation last week. And as far as the lifestyle part is concerned, after yesterday's workout I went to the store and bought the healthiest load of groceries I've ever bought in my life - I don't know if I've ever bought a squach before. I'm a far cry from where I want to be but I definitely feel like I'm on my way. Thanks Joe and Ricky and thanks to everyone else as well, you're a great group of people and I enjoy seeing everyone each time I come in, and you are all a great source of inspiration.
  3. ZachR Says:
  4. Today's workout

    800 meter run: 2:37 (PR)
    2 minutes rest
    400 meter run: 1:18 (PR)
    2:20 rest
    200 meter run: 34 seconds
    ~2 minutes rest
    100 meter run: 13.8 seconds

    I really enjoyed today's workout and tried to focus on POSE running as much as possible. My only goal was to set a PR in the 800 and then just push myself as hard as I could for the other 3. Good work to everyone at 6am.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Nice PR Zach! :)

    I want one of those t-shirts!!!

    Well I am heading out for boating adventure, and probably the diet won't be the best this weekend, but I packed two huge things of grapes/bing cherries and I made a fabulous egg casserole and then I made some amazing homemade blueberry muffins with a delicious crumble topping...oh and my famous choc chip cookies - so is that like 50% ;)

    I definitely agree that diet, workload stress, and sleep affect me most in my Monday is going to suck after this weekend, but we cannot kick ourselves for not being perfect :)

    See you guys Monday - really really want that shirt and those rubber gloves that someone should design for crossfit :)
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Jeff, I hate to admit it, but when I saw the workout this morning I was actually excited to do it. Thanks Ricky for the information and drills on POSE running. It was much easier to run today using them. I took 30 seconds off the last time I ran an 800 - 3:17 (PR)
  9. Jen Says:
  10. 800m = 2:57
    400m = 1:14
    200m = 0:34
    100m = 0:14:06

    I'm not sure if these were PR or not, but I can certainly say that they felt really good. The pose + Five Finger shoes really make it comfortable. I feel much more relaxed running these days, that it is actually something I look forward to doing. Thanks for the great drills Ricky, please keep them coming!
  11. A Says:
  12. Wow~ Ran by my lonesome on the track this morning. It was GREAT~! I have to admit, I was proud of myself for hauling my butt to a running workout. :-)
    800 = 3:10 (PR)
    400 = 1:20 (PR)
    200 = :48? (had technical difficulties, so I don't know EXACT for the 200)
    100 = 15.97

    This was great! I did the best I could with POSE running. Worked really hard to keep a position of "falling." I usually run with my hips in front of my shoulders, so this helped a lot!
    Have a great weekend, everyone. I am off to IL.
  13. Melissa B Says:
  14. 800m- 3:16

    I try to keep pose but old habits die hard :) Great job 12pmers!!!!
  15. paul Says:
  16. I will try this WOD when I can get to a track at some point. But today I did


    225# DLs
    burpees (no pushup)


    This was a killer, and I can only imagine how painful it would've been with real burpees.
  17. BC Says:
  18. 800m - 3:20
    400m - 1:37 (i think)
    200m - :34
    100m - :15.4

    This was a fun one today, much better than the 800m/DU's from a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for the tutorial on proper running style Ricky.
  19. JimmyG Says:
  20. 800m - 3:31
    400m - 1:XX
    200m - 1:0X
    100m - 0:14.6

    I can't remember the times for the 400 or 200. Good lesson in Pose running today, but I have a lot to work on. I'm a fan of any run that's less than 200m.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. 800m 3:40
    400m 1:45
    200m 1:10
    100m 16.8

    It was very hot! Great job Bryten and Tovar. See ya'll next week!!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Can't remember my times...but I had a good time! Thanks for the running tips...I hope to utilize them in a foot pursuit :)
    See you all Monday! Have a great weekend.

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