Saturday 080726

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


5 rounds for time:
5 Back Squats (225#/135#)
15 Kettlebell Swings (2 pood/1.5 pood)

Scale the load as needed. Remember to practice correct form and focus on maintaining a neutral spine at all times.

Post time to comments.

Jim, you are an inspiration to both Joe and I and we are honored every time you come into the gym. There are so many other places you can be working out and yet you choose us. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to be a part of your journey.

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15 Responses to "Saturday 080726"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I appreciate your kind words and thoughts, but the truth of the matter is that it is you two that have made such a difference to me. I am fitter and enjoy every time that I come in. I know ALL of the crossfiters would agree that you two are a big reason that Crossfit Omaha is doing so well so fast. Your caring teaching and sense of humor makes what could be a brutal shock to the system fun. If it weren't for you two I would have quit after the first one or two. I appreciate your patience as well. You guys deserve all the success in the world. I really hoped to be there this morning, but we had trouble with our dogs. Our puppy (sharp teeth) was playing with the older dog and got his ear (lots of blood vessels). Big mess on floor and had to take him in to get stiches. My wife joked that it was a "fight gone bad". I guess I talk alot about Crossfit at home. Anyway thanks again guys.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. And yes both dogs are fine. Just can't play with each other for a while
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. jim, you should start coming at 6 am! its way more fun. and im glad both dogs are ok. but who doesnt talk too much about crossfit, lets get real!
    today was a great workout. i was not looking forward to it, but thanks to ang and mel i was laughing before hand. and zachr, who knows how stubborn i am, helped me want to do a higher weight...but still not rx'd. i finished in 11:xx with 110# squats and 10 1.5 pood swings. i dont think im going to be able to function tomorrow; im already sore!
    jon, it was great to see you this morning! have fun with the one on ones! i love seeing the cf omaha family grow.
  7. ZachR Says:
  8. 9:33 Rx'd

    Somehow I managed to not break up the squats but did have to break up the swings. 8,7 for the first 4 rounds and 10,5 for the last round. I have been hoping for heavy back squats for awhile now but will be paying for it tomorrow morning.

    Good work to everyone at 9am and welcome Jon Day. Hope to see you at crossfit more often.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. I did not think this was going to be a WOD I liked... but I did. I did Rx'd and finished at 10:50.
    Tonight at the MAC should be fun... See y'all there!
  11. Steve Says:
  12. did have the break up the kb swings, 8 and 7. but managed to hang on through the squats. now if i can just get my squat form better, i'd be happy. of course, like everything else in xfit, i have to unlearn everything i've been doing before... "everything you think you know is wrong".
  13. JimmyG Says:
  14. 13:10? RX'd

    2 pood KB swings are TOUGH! I thought the squats were going to be a breeze, but I had to break them up after the 2nd round. I really liked the workout today. Great Job everyone!
  15. Melissa B Says:
  16. 10:10 as prescribed...did not break up squats broke up the KB swings into whatever I felt like. This was my last workout for a while. I'm headed to Travis AFB for 1 mo and then I'll meet up with Jimmy at Andrews AFB for 1 mo. Crossfit has totally become part of my life and you all have become like part of my family. I get so much inspiration and drive from watching each and everyone of you. I'm going to miss you all SOOOOOO much!!!!! Stay strong and I can't wait to see the new place when I get back.
  17. BC Says:
  18. 11:09 but scaled, 155# on squats and 1.5 pood. My first attempt at back squats CF-style, they hurt. My KB swings still need some work but they've come a long way, the last time I did KB swings I had to use 1 pood so I'm making progress. I definitely felt off this morning as I may have celebrated my birthday a little too hard last night, but I think I managed to sweat out all the bad stuff. A month ago I would've stayed in bed so I guess I'm getting addicted. See everyone next week.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 10:02, but only with 120 for the squats. and i think melissa is lame for leaving. miss you all, see you in a few weeks!
  21. paul Says:
  22. mel and jimbo, we will all miss you, as we have missed kylie!

    i just did this one as Rx'd. 9:59. used a 75# DB since I don't have a KB. didn't love it, but it got the job done.
  23. A Says:
  24. Visited Tri-Cities Crossfit - such lovely, welcoming people!

    Did "Michael,"
    3 rounds for time:
    800 m run
    50 back extensions
    50 situps
    = 18:43.

    Mel and Jimmy, we will miss you guys! Get your butts back here soon! Kylie, we look forward to seeing you again!
  25. Addi Says:
  26. Grr... wanted to come in this morning, but my excuse today is a combination of Hillary's cable and wine made me stay up too late and then I had morning errands... I'm a lazy turd this week. More so than usual. Going to do some handstand battle training later to make up for it. :)
  27. JonD Says:
  28. I would just like to say thank you to everyone who helped me through the first day. All of your suggestions were very helpful and motivated me through the workout. Thank you to Hannah for the invite and Zach for the kind words.

    Thanks again and hope to see everyone soon.
  29. Greg MO Says:
  30. 6:30 rxd

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