Sunday 080727

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


For time:
5 second handstand hold
30 Pushups
10 second handstand hold
25 Pushups
15 second handstand hold
20 Pushups
20 second handstand hold
15 Pushups
25 second handstand hold
10 Pushups
30 second handstand hold
5 Pushups

The handstand holds may not be broken up. If you you must come down during any hold the handstand is scratched and the time for that hold restarts.

Post time to comments

Preparing for movement.

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6 Responses to "Sunday 080727"

  1. paul Says:
  2. I want to do this one so bad. Luckily yesterday's WOD beat my ass so bad that I can't really move.
  3. Steve Says:
  4. so i must have done something a little bit right yesterday on the squats. ricky's pushing to teach me to use more hams/glutes and less quads during the squat. went mountain biking today with lisa and josh, and i was absolutely feeling it in my hams/glutes.
  5. A Says:
  6. Yikes. Did 21-15-9
    65# OHS and Burpees
    8:00 Rx'd
    This stunk. A lot.
    Then did CFE modified:
    2 min rest
    2 min rest
    400 m
    Felt good.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. 13:19
    We did this outside and my hands really hurt from the cement. I wish I could do pushups faster....
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. my hands are killing me too ang. today was 2 of my weakest things combined, but a great sunday workout.
    12:42 with girl pushups since my arms are still too weak.
    had fun with angela, zachr, and abby in the drive way doing this workout! can't wait for this kick ass week (week 2 in zone!)
  11. ZachR Says:
  12. 9:32 Rx'd

    Really enjoyed this workout. The 30 second handstand hold was very tough after all those pushups. Good work Hannah and Ang. Way to hang on with that last handstand Hannah.

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