Why America Has To Be Fat!

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

A Side Effect of Economic Expansion Shows Up in Front

By Michael S. Rosenwald
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, January 22, 2006; Page F01

I am fat. Sixty pounds too hefty, in my doctor's opinion. Probably 80 pounds, in my fiancee's view.

Being fat makes me a lot of things -- a top contender for type II diabetes, for instance, or a heart attack, or stroke, maybe even a replacement knee or hip. My girth also puts me in familiar company, with about two-thirds of the U.S. population now considered overweight.

But in many ways, my being fat also makes me pretty good for the economy.

You've read the headlines: America's problem with bulging waistlines has reached pandemic proportions, according to federal health officials, who warn that obesity is becoming society's No. 1 killer. But as doctors wrestle with the problem, economists have been pondering which corporations and industries benefit, and the role that changes in the overall economy have played in making us fat to begin with.

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5 rounds for time
10 DB 18" Box Jumps
10 Pullups
DB Walking Lunges, 10 steps
10 Burpees

Guys use 30lbs. and ladies use 20lbs. for both the box jumps and the walking lunges.

Post time to comments.

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10 Responses to "Why America Has To Be Fat!"

  1. Steve Says:
  2. This article is the greatest argument ever against the promise of "Free Health Care" in this country. A nation that chooses to be overweight, out of shape, fast-food eating, TV-watching, no exercising, couch potatoes? What incentive would people have to eat right, exercise, quit smoking and take care of themselves if someone else picks up the tab? A long time ago, the majority decided that you no longer have to be responsible for your actions. The minority do Crossfit.
  3. A Says:
  4. And so, to continue Steve's thought, we look to our government to fix the problem. God forbid anyone put any effort into their health, or be held accountable for the lack thereof. We want the quick fix; the pill, the gym membership, the low-fat food. If it takes anything resembling dedication or hard work, we shy away from it. Some people think that Crossfit is insanity. Perhaps it is. But it is something to which I can be accountable. I can maintain a level of control over my abilities, and have no one to which I answer, but myself. It's a beautiful concept.
    As we head into a recession, the concern I have for our once-great nation only grows. Instead of rising to the task of righting some massive economic wrongs, we sit back and wait for our government to make it all better. We have become a country of mediocrity; one which penalizes the entrepreneurial. Perhaps we could redistribute some of the better Fran times...just to be fair.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Very well said both of thoughts exactly. Its amazing that nobody wants to actually "work" for something anymore, you cannot go to a gym for 30 days and expect to spend the rest of your life healthy, or take a pill and become strong overnight........that type of marketing and thinking is ridiculous........nothing should be that easy - where is the sense of pride in actually accomplishing something??

    One of my favorite sayings "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."

    Our country needs to develop some healthier habits for sure even if its one little step at a time......reba
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. 12:01

    Used 30# DBs for the jumps and 35# DBs for the walking lunges. Did this at ConAgra as I will hopefully be golfing after work today. Have fun with this one!!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. 14:40 (27.5 lbs)- I really enjoyed this workout. Looking forward to the Derby party. See you all tomorrow.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. depending on how much i drink tonight, i am planning on working out tomorrow morning. then continuing to drink at the derby party. its going to be a long weekend...
    stupid work and school getting in the way of xfit. o ya, im not quitting quite yet.
  13. Mike Ask Says:
  14. Alison - the good news is we are still a great nation and we are no longer heading into a recession (it takes two quarters of negative growth and the GDP grew last quarter in addition to cutting the unemployment rate) - but your point about everyone wanting a "quick fix" is a valid one - everyone wants the government to come rushing in to fix the problems they themselves create. It would cost a tiny fraction of the amount for "free healthcare" if instead the government paid for crossfit memberships and nutritional counseling. The government insists on throwing money at the symptoms instead of doing anything at all about what's actually causing it.

    Great workout today - I thought box jumps were bad enough - adding dumbbells to the equation just made it more "fun" :)
  15. Dave Paladino Says:
  16. Steve, did you write Allision's post? She said exactly what we have been talking about for 20 years.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. 20:21 (I think) used 35# db for the jumps and lunges. I took too many rests. Gotta work on that.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. I don't remember my exact time. I finished and then eventually told Joe I was done as I was steering myself towards the water fountains....that workout was tough! The box jumps never got easier or less awkward....17:10 or somewhere around there..

    Nice job everyone! reba

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