Killer Stairs?

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Killer Stairs? Taking the Elevator Could Be Worse For Your Body.
ScienceDaily (Mar. 21, 2008) — For years, scientists have been proclaiming the benefits of exercise. Studies showing that regular exercise benefits human health have exploded in number, examining many health problems ranging from cancer and diabetes to arthritis and pre-mature death.

Now, a University of Missouri researcher has found direct evidence to support the claim of the Centers for Disease Control that a reduction in daily physical activity is an actual cause of many of the risk factors for chronic diseases, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The research team also found that it only takes about two weeks of reduced activity for individuals to start noticing the effects.

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Part 3 of Midwest CrossFit Challenge Demo Coming Monday!


For time
400 meter run (campus run)
4 rounds of Bottom to Bottom Tabata Squats (20 on/10 off)
30 Knees to Elbows
4 rounds of Bottom to Bottom Tabata Squats
400 meter run (campus run)

Bottom to Bottom Tabata Squats require that you rest at the bottom of the squat positon (top of knee below crease in hip) during the 10 second rest period. Scale the knees to elbows by using elbow straps, only bringing the knees to a point above the hips, or doing the full range of motion movement but decreasing the amount of reps in the workout.

Post time as well as lowest round of squats to comments.

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3 Responses to "Killer Stairs?"

  1. Melissa B Says:
  2. "The research team also found that it only takes about two weeks of reduced activity for individuals to start noticing the effects."- o no...i'm in big trouble. Miss you guys and can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!!! Have fun at Paul's
  3. paul Says:
  4. Wish you could join us, Melly Mel!
  5. A Says:
  6. Mike,
    While not the classical definition of a recession, what our economy is facing is concerning. In my humble opinion, manipulated numbers have absoultely contributed to the current GDP growth. Not to be cynical, but a timely buildup of stocks and supplies by businesses in addition to a 2% increase in government spending created this "positive" growth. The Labor Department showed a .7% growth...the slowest pace in 2 years. Combine that with yet another fed rate cut, and we can count on inflation in our future.
    The 2001 recession did not meet classical definitions of contraction for 6 consecutive months. Many other factors need to be taken into account, particularly with the nature of real estate, energy, healthcare, etc., before we breathe a sigh of relief. I, personally don't care what the traditional numbers say. It's like polling. You can make it say whatever you want. I am going to sit at home and count my money so I can purchase that year's supply of canned goods and ammo for my basement. :-)

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