What About Abs?…

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
CF Santa Cruz Central trainer Nora Grant “doing abs”.

Have you ever wondered why we rarely, if ever, do sit ups in Crossfit?
Check out this video from Coach Glassman to see why.

Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps

Try and front squat the greatest load you can muster for 3 reps in only 7 attempts.

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16 Responses to "What About Abs?…"

  1. A Says:
  2. I just had an egg white omelet. Need to increase my wimpy front-squat weight!!! Looking forward to it!
  3. paul Says:
  4. 6am people: you are all sick. but i might try to do a couple next week because otherwise it'll be hard to get in at all.
  5. paul Says:
  6. Awesome stuff--got 230x3, 250x1. Jimbo, nice work on the 2 250s! I thought you were going to bust out a third!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Congrats Angela on going above body weight!

    Front Squat = 235x3
    Tabata PU's = 7
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. 133x3. 143-an excellent negative...:( tabata push-ups- 9! last time i made 8, so i had to go for one more and those last 2 rounds were brutal!!! everyone rocked today!!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Angela - rock on!!!

    100 front squat and 6X8 rounds of tabata pushups - those felt pretty good -

    ok maybe I am just not getting it, but I felt like the front squat worked my core or something way more than my legs felt it?? strange indeed......reba out

    If I come at 6AM, my body will be in shock for sure!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. easy on the insults paul! i am planning on the 6am since i have class 5 days a week at 7:30 am.
    i surpirsingly got 105 x3 tried and failed on 110. o well, next time i have a goal. i started with 12 tabata pushups with the band...and ended at 6. owell. another goal.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Thanks so much for the support... but I ALMOST got body-weight! I am still pretty pumped about getting 133x3 anyway. And I got 143 once (which is +body-weight).
    I think I am sticking to 5:30 for a while but I'll try earlier if I get lonely cause everyone is going at 6 am.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Alison- don't be discouraged... you just came back. And you are awesome at pretty much everything else. Good job today.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 230 x 3 for the front squat. I made 2x 250, but couldn't make the third. What are my chances of a #230 clean next time?

    5 on the push ups.

    Great job everyone! Thanks to Paul for all the good feedback today!
  21. A Says:
  22. Angela, you are a rock star! Thanks for the encouragement. 85lbs. Ouch. What the hell was wrong with my lower back? Could it have BEEN any more rounded? Geez, what a wimp. Yes, I hate strength days, but what I hate is what I need.
    It is my goal to increase my strength by 20% in the next two months. 102lbs for front squat. I WILL do it!!!
    I was SO impressed with everyone's abilities today! You guys are animals!
  23. Nick Says:
  24. front squat
    286 x 3
    296 x 2 (three was not happening at all!)

    tabata PUs = 8
  25. zj Says:
  26. 7 Tabata Push-Ups and should have gone for 8.

    I wanted to be there for those front squats, dammnit!
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. 133x3...this was fun. I love strength days (except for presses!!) Anyways, looks like everyone did really well. Awesome job 6:30 class. See everyone this afternoon!
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. 110x3! I tried for more but or do not there is not try....I did not :( Oh yeah had to use the weights under my feet, stupid weak ankles haha.

    6 on Tabata pushups, hod to go to my knees to keep my form :(

    Nice work everyone
  31. zj Says:
  32. 174 x 3 for the front squats and really need to work on lower body strength.

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