Strength: Why and How

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
I took this from Mark Rippetoe and Lon Kilgore's book, Starting Strength. It is in the introductory section but even so it says a lot about us as humans and where we have gone as a society. We put all our marbles into improving the mind at the expense of dwindling physical education in our schools but yet our country scores lower cognitively than many other countries. Only now our kids are physically weaker as well.

Starting Strength
Basic Barbell Training
by Mark Rippetoe/Lon Kilgore

Physical strength is the most important thing in life. This is true whether we want it to be or not. As humanity has developed throughout history, physical strength has become less critical to our daily existence, but no less important to our lives. Our strength, more than any other thing we possess, still determines the quality and the quantity of our time here in these bodies. Whereas previously our physical strength determined how much food we ate and how warm and dry we stayed, it now merely determines how well we function in these new surroundings we have crafted for ourselves as our culture has accumulated. But we are still animals - our physical existence is, in the final analysis, the only one that actually matters. A weak man is not as happy as that same man would be if he were strong. This reality is offensive to some people who would like the intellectual or spiritual to take precedence. It is instructive to see what happens to these very people as their squat strength goes up.

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Rest/Benchmark Day

If you come in this is what we'll do. As for Annie, you can do that or pick something else.

Max Kipping Pullups
rest 2 minutes
Max Pushups
rest 2 minutes
Max Air Squats
rest 2 minutes
Max Dips
rest 5 minutes

50-40-30-20-10 reps for time
Double Unders

There is only one (1) set for each max effort movement. If you need to scale any of the movements be sure to indicate what the scaling is, such as what color band you used and/or how many notches up on the squat rack you placed that band. As for scaling the double unders on Annie, tuck jumps are the only suitable substitute. Place a bar at waist height and only count those reps where your knees reach that height.

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22 Responses to "Strength: Why and How"

  1. paul Says:
  2. This is going to be awesome! I'm going to do the 3RM DLs, too!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. That was a lot of fun! Great work 6AM class!!!

    Pull-ups: 36
    Push-ups: 31
    Air Squats: 142
    Dips: 21

    See you guys when Dave and I get back from the Triple T traithlon in Ohio.
    For those interested in showing off your "generalist" abilities, I am going to post some information soon about a couple of local traithlons. They are pretty short races and Dave and I would be glad to help get you started. Stay tuned for more...
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Pullups: 1 (I GOT MY FIRST KIP!)
    Pushups: 20
    Air Squats: 70
    Dips: -2 (thanks zachr)
    6 am was a little easier today. i sucked at dips and squats. my legs just gave out. i need to do more crossfit. great job 6 am and good luck today!
  7. Addi Says:
  8. congrats on the kip, hannah!

    Looking foward to this workout tonight - going to practice my double unders at recess today. :)
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Pullups: 32
    Pushups: 42
    Squats: 250
    Dips: 19

    I was happy with my pullups and squats. Was hoping for 50 pushups and 20 dips. Very happy time ran out before having to do Annie after 250 air squats.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. 6am class rocked!

    Pullups: 15
    Pushups: 17
    Air Squats: 154
    Dips: 2

    Josh, Addi & Reba we need to get signed up for the Memorial Day Challenge. Do we want to register to compete or just do it and make a donation? Let me know.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Crystal - I say we register - more fun that way.....I can drop off a check and give it to Ricky tonight or I can put it on my card and let everyone pay me - just let me know :)reba...
  15. kahrs Says:
  16. Crystal, Reba, Addi- Addi can pay who ever for us, and I say register cause yea it will be more fun that way. What will our team name be???
  17. Steve Says:
  18. Jeff- Good luck on the Triple T. Try to strut around in a Crossfit shirt if you can.

    Although today's work-out looks like fun, this is one of those unbelievably beautiful days outside so I'm going to get a long run in.

    And I've got a 5km tomorrow so see everyone on Thursday.
  19. paul Says:
  20. that was crazy! took way more out of me than i expected!

    pullups: 43
    pushups: 41
    squats: 223
    dips: 18

    i did not do annie, and certainly did not try for my DL 3RM.

    NICE JOB, EVERYONE! i loved seeing people's progress. Ang, awesome job on pushups!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. I really liked this WOD! Everyone did great. Alison you are an inspiration... 320 squats!

    15 pullups
    28 pushups
    118 squats- I totally pussed out on this one!
    5 dips

    Danielle and I did Annie after. I finished in 8:32 which is my fastest Annie time so far, I think.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Reba, Josh & Addi,
    I am going to try and talk to my boss tomorrow (wed) and see if they would want to make a donation towards our team. I will post to comments tomorrow mid-morning to let you know what they say, since we have to be registered no later then friday. If not Reba and Addi i'll let you hash it out on who wants to pay and get us registered. It sucks not seeing everyone since i go to the 6am class now. Good thinking Josh, what should our team name be?

    Looks like everyone did well today! Dang Alison, 320 squats!! Way to go!
  25. Melissa B Says:
  26. Pull-ups 29, push ups 32, squats 131, dips 10....AWESOME job everyone esp Reba and Alison with squats that was amazing...I think between the 2 of you, you guys beat everyone else's squats added together :)
    I did Annie at the end but there was a technical malfunction with the stopwatch so all I can say is it was slow :)
  27. zj Says:
  28. 36,44,181,17. Felt like I gave everything a good shot until dips when my will gave out.
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. josh-addi-crystal-

    let me know what name you want me to register...i won't be there tomorrow but will just put it on my card thursday, so have a name ready!! :) ...go Slytherin Slayers...j/k

    pullups - 15
    pushups - 28
    squats - 250
    dips - 6

    way to go hannah on the kip, feels like a revelation when you can finally get the body to coordinate that one :)

    Rock on with yo bad self Alison....320 rocks!! Its all in the music ;)

  31. A Says:
  32. Wow, today was FUN!
    Pullups: 15
    Pushups: 25
    Squats: 320
    Dips: 7 or 8 (I think?)

    Mel, your pullups were awesome! So graceful! Jimmy G, those pushups were mean with guys are all so awesome! It was fun doing squats with you, Reba! :-) I was so proud of everyone! Way to go Hannah with your first kipping pullup!
    Looking forward to tomorrow...
  33. paul Says:
  34. man, we have some GANGSTAS around here!
  35. Addi Says:
  36. 19 pullups, 10 pushups (both PRs for me), 85 squats, 10- dips... I was pretty disappointed not getting any dips until later when I realized my arms were fried from pullups and pushups. I know I've gotten at least 3 before.. but this 1 month+ semi-hiatus is helping me NONE. I can't WAIT until next Thursday when I get to be my own person again!
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. 14 Pullups
    20 Pushups
    110 Squats
    -5 Dips (yeah thats right, negative :)

    I did Annie, or should I say Annie did me....16:something. I have several lashings from the rope. Didn't get flow until the last round when I got 15 in a row, go figure. Nice work Angela you did great!!

    Nice work to everyone!! Reba, you never seem to shock me...."Oh I have never done (insert any exercise here)". Then you go up and bust out a million of them!! Way to go.
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. Danielle - thx - and you are funny! I had never done those dips until last night - but I have done them where you put your legs on a chair and dip with your hands on a bench, -sorta the same thing - although those dips were ALOT harder!!! Not exactly suprising considering its xfit style ;) reba out....

    I need people to vote on some good team names - check out the WOD today where I posted the first comment.....I have one favorite in particular, although we are open to suggestions.....reba
  41. Teresa Robert Says:
  42. I really did not read yet detailed Physical strength post like this
    Thanks for Sharing
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  43. Unknown Says:
  44. I think that physical education is really important for our physical fitness
    Thanks for sharing

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