Run Time!

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Job well done on the workout last night. Everyone did a fantastic job surviving and then some. That was not an easy workout and you guys did exceptionally well. There is nothing like a crazy workout with some of your closest friends. That first group at 4 was rocking the house.

If you are not able to make it to the Zone seminar this morning I will be taping it so that you don't miss out on all the information. It should be a lot of fun for those of us that will be there as I hope you guys leave at least knowing a little more about how the Zone works.

For time:
400 meter run
21 KB SDLHP (1.5 pood/1 pood)
21 Burpees (no pushup)
400 meter run
15 Burpees (no pushup)
400 meter run
9 Burpees (no pushup)

Nothing to scale here. Make sure to keep impeccable form on the high pulls.

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12 Responses to "Run Time!"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. 1st Helen: 10:27
    I was very happy to finally be able to use the 1.5 pood. Only broke up the 3 round of KB at rep 14. Nailed the pull-ups, but need to improve the 400 splits. I look forward to watching the zone seminar on Youtube. Ricky, please send link ASAP.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. My first time doing Helen also.


    I did not break up the KB swings but did have to break up the pullups into two sets for rounds 2 and 3. I probably could have pushed harder on the runs but overall I am very happy with my time.
  5. paul Says:
  6. my first time doing helen as well--10:34. Didn't break up anything. just wasn't as fast as zach or jeff...nice work, gents! (and everyone who got through it!)
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Thanks Ricky and Joe for the Zone seminar. I'm just sorry I had to leave early.... had to get the kid, ya know. I will start the Zone again Monday!
  9. zj Says:
  10. 11:??. I am a freakin' loafer on those runs.
  11. A Says:
  12. Ricky and Joe:
    Thanks so much for the Zone seminar! I have enjoyed a day of thoughtful meals, and have to say that I am STARVING! It's nice to WANT to eat again. Is it normal to happen in such a short time? (have been eating 13 blocks for 4 days prior). Now down to 10. Eating 2 block meals throughout the day. I have 1 left. I might eat the neighbor's cat, when I run out of appropriate protein... With a macadamia nut, of course.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. 13:59 as RX'd. Thanks for the seminar today guys. I got a lot of insights and ideas for fine tuning my eating.
  15. kahrs Says:
  16. 12:45, I am sure it was better than the last time I did it but not sure when that was. Hope to see the video of the seminar soon.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Just to let everyone know... Nick did Friday's workout on Saturday and kicked ass. He finished in 23:08! Awesome!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 1st Helen as well 14:50 as prescribed! I thought my arms were going to break off on the pull-ups! Great job everyone!!
  21. Nick Says:
  22. Thanks angela, couldn't have done it without your motivation and timekeeping haha. great workout and great seminar. going to try to really make an effort at the zone starting on Monday.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. helen sucks! this was my first time and i did jumping pullups and 1pood swings. i got it in 14:0x. i have no idea. i thought i was going to die...but i did not lose my egg whites! haha. great job guys!

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