Early Risers

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Great job to everyone that came in this morning. It wasn't easy getting up that early but everyone was working hard. We had a total of 8 people make the 6am class, 2 that made the noon class, 4 at the 5:30 class, and 4 or 5 at the 6:30 class. It was a rest day so we'll see how tomorrow goes. Probably after this week, Joe and I will be trading off the morning class unless the number keeps getting bigger to where both of us need to be here.

Schedule Change
There will be no 6AM class on Friday of this week. Both Joe and I will be out of town. Joe suggested that I put together a workout on Friday that you guys may want to come up during a class time and do it on the track as a group. Just an idea. Sorry for the inconvenience.

4 rounds for time
9 DB Clean & Jerks (40#/25#)
15 Pullups
21 Double Unders

Scale the load and/or reps if needed.

Post time to comments.

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11 Responses to "Early Risers"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. 18:35

    Used 40# for the Clean and Jerk and subbed jumping pullups. Didn't break up the double unders. Not quite sure how I feel about working out at 6am yet. Probably wont know until later today.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. So I set my alarm for 5am.....and hit cancel, I think even the thought of 6am is going to take some getting used to, and some planning involved. I will try to get up tomorrow for it.

    Have a great day everyone and good luck on the zone today!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. 16:50? i believe. Used 22.5 DB's, did the rest as prescribed. Still trying to get used to getting up early. Great job everyone!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. holy crap. 6 am is early! i finished at like 19:50. first round i accidently used 1 22.5 and 1 25# for cleans. whoops. 2nd rd was 22.5 and 3&4 dropped to 20 #. my shoulder gives out when locking things out above my head. crystal and greg showed amazing heart this morning! great job today. good luck later today guys! see you tomorrow.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. 16:25 as Rx'd
    Grip caused me some trouble on the C&Js and my DU's still need to improve.

    I love 6AM. Before, I day dreamed all day about CF, now it is the first thing I do.
  11. A Says:
  12. 13:45 as Rx'd. Whew. That was awesome. After determining that a towel on the bar kept me from flying off, things went okay. Great job to Paul! You killed those pullups!
  13. paul Says:
  14. And thanks to you, Alison, for pushing me! Beautiful last round of DUs! 12:30 as Rx'd. I thought my heart would explode!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. If the timer was set for 20 min then I got done around 14:30 I think. And you will all be happy to know that I attempted kipping pull-ups in the WOD. Around 1/3 of them were only up to my forehead, but I still did it! Connor did great today!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. kat and i worked out at the crossfit facility in atlanta tonight. we tried kb snatches for the first time...they hurt! We met a lot of cool people but we really miss you guys!!! see ya in august!!!!

  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. finished in about 17:15...i think. used #45 DBs and didn't scale the other exercises. This workout killed me. Sorry I haven't been making it to the 6am class. I am really excited about it, but my work schedule isn't cooperating this week. My eating had also gone to crap. I'll be back on track in the next couple of days though. see you all soon!!
  21. Nick Says:
  22. 7:10 as Rx'd. man i love double unders haha. felt good today, trying to stay strict with the zone! good work 6amers, you guys are nuts!

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