What's your story?

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
As I alwasy do, I was browsing other affiliate websites and when I got to Andy Petranek's website, Petranek Fitness (CrossFit L.A.), I came across his post on telling your CrossFit story. It is a good story about his first encounter with CrossFit and I thought I would share it with you.

What's Your Story?
Ever had a hard time trying to figure out how to describe CrossFit to a friend or your family? Try telling a story, like this one that I tell all the time... When I first started CrossFit, I gave it a 2 month trial... I decided to use my 5k time as a litmus test. I ran a 5k, then did CrossFit 3 days on and 1 day off, exactly as prescribed on (except for loads that were frequently too heavy for me to manage with good form). At the end of the 2 months, I re-ran my 5k... and to my surprise, my time had dropped by 2:30 - I was FASTER than when I had started! Shocking? Absolutely! Especially when my running mileage had dropped from an average of 25 miles per week, to well under 5 miles per week and I was spending less than 20 minutes each day on in the gym!

What's your CrossFit story? If you have a unique story about how you got started with CrossFit let everyone know by posting it to the comments.

The effort was awesome and the times were even better. 200's are not the easiest runs to, well, run so great job to everyone that showed up tonight. I think a good rest day is in order and I would hope that you all that have come in on both Monday and Wednesday would take advantage. See you on Friday.

Rest/Benchmark Day

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5 Responses to "What's your story?"

  1. Dave Paladino Says:
  2. Now that is my kind of workout, I could do 200's all day long. Next time. I want to go head to head with Steve.
  3. paul Says:
  4. did foul-mouth forty (hannah made me). 16:14. those clean and jerks WERE tough.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. i did the overhead lunges and 21 burpees, 3 rounds. 11:06. great job everyone. way to go paul and hannah on the foul-mouth forty!(and anyone else that underwent that torture today!)
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. As many round in 20 minutes:
    5 SDHP (95#)
    7 Box Jumps (30")
    10 pushups

    15 rounds

    One month ago I only did 14 rounds with 85# SDHP. Although this workout sucked I was very happy to improve on my rounds from last time.
  9. paul Says:
  10. It's also worth noting that Nick busted out a strict muscle up. Nice work, Drago.

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