Pose Running

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Here are some videos on pose running. I know a little bit about this specific running style but hope to know more about it in May as I will be attending a Pose Running Certification on May 3rd & 4th. I am doing this because I believe that there is a better way to run that will lessen the damage to the body as well as shorten the recovery time between running workouts. Joe and I teach you how to deadlift, clean, snatch, swing, and many other exercises correctly but no one ever teaches someone how to run. It seems as though if there is running involved you just go out and run. From the age you are able to run you just run and no one fixes faults or improves position. You can run faster and better and I am attending this cert so that I can teach you how to reach this point. In the meantime, I want you to watch these videos and pick up whatever you can from them. Post your thoughts to comments.

Run Corrections, CrossFit Newport Beach...[wmv][mov]
Intro to Pose Technique (CFJ Preview)...[wmv][mov]
Intro to Pose Technique Pt 2 (CFJ Preview)...[wmv][mov]
Foot Pull Drill, CrossFit Virginia Beach...[wmv][mov]
Running Seminar Technique Analysis...[wmv][mov]
Running Technique, CrossFit Newport Beach...[wmv][mov]

I know that there is a lot of media here and I don't expect you to watch all of it. I just want you to take a look at it and see if you can understand what they are talking about. Can you tell me what two main things they are trying to correct when talking pose. Basically they are trying to eliminate the heel strike in front of the body as this actually, 1) loads the knee (injury) and 2) slows you down. They are also trying to teach you to pull the foot off the ground quicker by using the hamstring to pull your foot up as opposed to using the hip flexor to pull the foot forward. Watch the first video to get good video analysis. There is a distinct difference in her first run and in her second, corrected run. This is noticed by her landing. In the second run she lands on top of her foot (ball of foot strike) which is the pose whereas in the first run you can noticeably see that she lands out in front of her body with the heel striking first.

7 Rounds for time:
Run 200 meters
Rest 2 minutes

Go fast and hard. Who can keep their runs below 45 seconds? What about keeping each successive run within 3-5 seconds of the previous one?

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8 Responses to "Pose Running"

  1. Steve Says:
  2. i'd be willing to try pose running if you want to set up a mini-seminar when you get back.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. On vacation this week, so I got up to the track early today.

    Total Time - 15:57.6
    1 - 33.2
    2 - 33.5
    3 - 31.9
    4 - 32.6
    5 - 33.4
    6 - 35.1
    7 - 35.2
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Ricky - Would mind posting the full 14 minute seminar on pose running by Mike Collins? Thanks.
  7. paul Says:
  8. That was brutal! best time 30, worst 32. My glutes were exhausted for about 20 minutes afterward.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Agreed....BRUTAL!

    28 (Thanks to Nick)
    28 (Thanks to Steve)

    This may be the first time ever when running that my times improved. My competitive nature helped me improve on sets 4 and 5 (trying to catch Nick and trying not to let Steve catch me). Im glad I didn't skip today as much as I wanted to. Makes me feel better about taking a rest day tomorrow. See everyone on Friday.
  11. Courtney Says:
  12. 1 - Don't know, could hear what Joe said.
    2 - 34
    3 - 34
    4 - 36
    5 - 38

    I felt pretty good about my times today. My sprints are starting to improve from the last time we did them, but I really need to work on my running technique.

    Great job tonight guys!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Glad we did 5 instead of 7.
    34 thanks to Jim
    31 thanks to Zach

    Trying to catch someone is hard, hearing someone come up behind you and not let them catch you is harder.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. I had fun running last night. My fastest was 30 and my slowest was 35. I am pretty happy with that, especially because I got faster toward the end. A little sore today though.

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