Weak Front = Hurting Back

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Bad setup on the press, push press, push jerk, or even the split jerk can prove to be costly. When moving loads overhead the abs need to be in a neutral position in order to get the most use out of them. When the hips are anteriorly rotated you put both the hamstrings and abdominals in a stretched position, thus rendering them just short of useless. What does this mean? It means that the Lumbar spine takes the brunt of the support which is very uncomfortable. This can be remedied by allowing the shoulder complex to move the bar along the correct path while keeping the torso in a neutral position with both glutes and abs activated. During this time refrain from allowing the bar to be moved along it's correct path by sticking the belly out. It this temporarily happens you must return to a neutral torso position upon locking out the bar in the overhead support position. This will allow you to stay away from injury as well as provide you with an opportunity to reach your potential in said lift.

Press Posture Question, Mark Rippetoe...[wmv][mov] (although this covers the press it also covers exactly what I am referring to above)
Push Press Issues...[wmv][mov]
Push Press: The Dip - video [wmv] [mov]
Push Press... [wmv] [mov]
Push Press (behind the head)...[wmv] [mov]
Learning to Push Press...[wmv][mov]

Push Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

My main concerns, other than moving large loads, is keeping the back in a safe position and not dipping underneath as in a push jerk. With that being said let's get heavy.

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9 Responses to "Weak Front = Hurting Back"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. i got up to 97, but i really don't think the technique was there with the heavy weights. i ended up arching the back and pressing the bar up with my chest instead of pushing straight up. def needs work. good job to everyone today!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. opps. that was me.
  5. paul Says:
  6. Congrats on 203, Jimmy!

    I got up to 184. That felt pretty good. Failed on 198.
  7. Steve Says:
  8. 174, failed on 179. i like the psych boost you get when you change plate colors. good job to everyone- i think everyone went well past 5 single reps in an effort to max out.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. I got to 97 with Kylie and then I tried 100 and couldn't get it. Then I did Annie and I am so much better at DU's than when I started. It feels good to do it in less than 30 minutes- which is what it took me last time.
    Props to Jimmy Frank on 203!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Congrats Jimmy G! You looked really solid on the 203! Sore shoulder kept me from completing the Push Press's, so I did tabada squats and sit ups. I also did Annie with Paul, Kylie and Angela. I was the slowest one, but on the upside, my DU's have improved 200%.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. WOOHOO!!! Thanks for all the kind words you guys!! I really amazed myself with 203 today! I don't say it enough, but I look forward to working out with you guys everyday. A year ago I would never have guessed that I'd be doing what we do. You all Rock!!

    I'm taking tomorrow off, But I can't wait for Friday!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. I got to 83!!! My upper body is weak, so there is lots of room for improvement. I need to remember to take a big breath before this one. After I did 7 rounds of 7 wall balls and 5 pull-ups, in 7:52.

    Nice work to all, Kat really got some great #'s last night too. Way to go Jimmy, sorry I wasn't able to witness it!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Here you go Ricky - you said you needed this for a worksheet? I am pumped to see these worksheets! Reba 92 lbs

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