Nice Job

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Even though I had a lot going on it was nice to see everyone do such a good job on the push press. I heard that there was some heavy loads being pushed around. I got to give it up to Big Jimbo for breaking the 200lb. mark as well as Kat and Lisa (welcome back) for getting 113lbs. and 104lbs. (respectively) over their heads. Great job guys.

Uneven Grace - video [wmv] [mov]

With a continuously running clock, perform one back squat the first minute, two the second minute, three the third minute etc. until you cannot complete the number of squats in the alotted minute, or you reach 30 minutes, whichever happens first.

Gents use 95lbs./Ladies use 65lbs.

Post number of completed minutes to comments.

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11 Responses to "Nice Job"

  1. paul Says:
  2. This looks pretty fun, but even if I weren't skipping town, I need a rest day. I hope there is a good gym at the hotel, because if not, I'm probably going to have to do 100 burpees for time.

    (Sadly, this is what I meant when I said I'd do awesome things in my hotel room.)
  3. Melissa B Says:
  4. I figured I leave this week so I would go balls to the wall with 110 and made 11 rounds and 4 onto 12 before I quit. Angela and Reba you 2 were amazing to watch!
  5. kahrs Says:
  6. 14 Rounds + 12 reps, wish I would have pushed hard enough to get 15, always next time.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. 135#: 11 rds + 9 reps
    Good job Zach on reaching your goal of 15 rds. See everyone on Saturday.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Zach, Ang, Reba, and Nick you were fun to watch today. way to go! i only got 65# 11 rounds with 11 on the 12th before the buzzer. see you guys saturday.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Finished round 15 right before the buzzer. Used 135#. Felt good but my legs are shot. A fun 15 minute workout.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. I got through 15 rounds and should have tried to finish 16, but it wasn't happening (right Jimmy?)
    Gonna be sore tomorrow.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Oh- and I used 95 lbs
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. I got 12 full rounds in with #135. This was a lot tougher than I thought it would be (it always is though).

    Angela, you are truly amazing!
  19. Nick Says:
  20. got 13 full rounds with 155. finished 14 reps but i extended into the 15th minute to do so. My legs were definitely burning! great job everyone!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. I got 11 rounds with 95. Nice work to everyone, see you on Saturday!! Hope to see everyone at my house.

    We will miss you Mel!!

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