
Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
It looks as though it may be a little bit windy but we can't pass up the opportunity to get a workout in 70 degree weather. I was happy with the work we got in last night for those that came in. We don't get to work on pistol squats much often so that was some time well spent. As for the guys, killing two birds with one stone is the way to go. Most of the guys during the 5:30 class did "Karabel," which is the combination of both "Karen" and "Isabel." 150 Wall Ball Shots and 30 Full Snatches, respectively. Awesome sight to see if I may say.

"Karabel" (Jon G. & E.C.)...[wmv][mov]

As many rounds in 20 minutes
100 yard run
12 KB Swings (1.5 pood/1 pood)
6 Burpees (Yay Burpees!)

Scale the load on swings if needed. Post time to comments.

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8 Responses to "Outside"

  1. paul Says:
  2. That video provides a nice example of how tough we are at CF Omaha! They say in the vid that squat snatches aren't required. Maybe not for their version...
  3. paul Says:
  4. Nice work, everyone! Beautiful day for it, too. Got 12 rounds and 90m.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Finished round 13 when Joe called time. I enjoyed this workout and walked away without sore shoulders which is a plus. Enjoyed getting outside today. I saw a lot of hard work today by everyone on the field. Good job all.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. 11.5 rounds today. My goal was 10 so I'm pretty happy. I really enjoyed that workout, but its tough to keep moving for 20 mins. Great job everyone. See you all tomorrow!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. 10.66 rounds. finished the swings, but didn't start the burpees. everyone worked amazingly hard today, great job!

    for anyone who wants to go, me and mel are going to adult night and the children's musuem on friday, which i am rediculously excited for. games, adult beverages, food, karaoke, prizes, and putt-putt golf, what more can you ask for?
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. I really like today's WOD. I got 12 rounds plus the run and swings- I was just burpees short of 13. Everyone looked great.... I didn't see too much though, I was trying not to pass out.
  13. Addi Says:
  14. Finished 10 rounds, was starting the second burpee of 11. I was pretty happy with that - I have a lot of work to do with pushups and running, but I think I pushed myself pretty well for most of the 20 minutes. I liked this WOD a lot - hit my two main weaknesses, but the swings kept me from getting too discouraged.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Do to a time conflict, I tried to do the 10 rounds of 10 DB Hanging squat clean (25#) and push-ups workout on my own at work. I did the first 10 as slapping pushups. Felt pretty good, except my shoulders were on fire for a good hour afterwards. I think I finish in 15 minutes.

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